CLASS 1    ASB Show Pleasure Driving - Adult
 1   304  CH Selvaggio                   Bonnie Koch                       Bonnie & Robert Koch             Bluffton, SC
 2   107  CH Shot With Glory             Elizabeth James-Lipscomb          Elizabeth James-Lipscomb         West Bend, WI
 3   366  I'm An Early Riser             Mary Lynn McMains                 Mary Lynn McMains                Baton Rouge, LA
 4   172  Simply Silver                  Alice (Bunny) Foshie              Mr & Mrs Gary Foshie             Greenville, TN
 5   527  Bailey Bank and Bodacious      Ben McDaniel                      James Bailey                     Bluefield, WV

************   5 ENTRIES IN CLASS 1    ************
CLASS 2     Saddle Seat Equitation - 13 & Under
 1   236  Crimson Flower                 Jordyn Broten                      RO & ME LLC                     Montrose, MN

************   1 ENTRIES IN CLASS 2    ************
CLASS 3    ASB Three Gaited Show Pleasure - 13 & Under
 1   110  Shamrock's Asagi               Brianna Meyer                     Brown-Anderson Farms, LTD        Plainfield, IL
 2   215  Albelarm Anchor Man            Bronwyn Frank                     Jody & William Frank             Raleigh, NC
 3   140  Rosie O'Brien                  Rebecca Overbey                   Lisa Overbey                     Lake Worth, FL
 4    66  Walk This Way                  Hannah Swanson                    Daniel Swanson                   Canton, GA
 5    54  Glider Supreme                 Megan Bailey                      Emma Elizabeth Grubb             Sea Island, GA
 6   203  Sultan's Kingdom               Anna Rogers-Daub                  Robin Rogers                     Louisville, KY
 7   218  Callaway's North Wind          Melanie Bennett                   Melanie Bennett                  Apex, NC
 8   341  Ultimate Amazement             Jamison Baker                     Jamison Baker                    Birmingham, AL
      30  Iva Secret                     McKenzie Bryant                   Anne & Tony Bryant               Winston Salem, NC

************   9 ENTRIES IN CLASS 3    ************
CLASS 4    Saddle Seat Equitation - 14 - 17
 1    97  All About Charm                Rachel Machamer                   Rachel Machamer                  Acworth, GA
 2   233  Kiss Of The Zodiac             Jacqueline Beck                   Jacqueline Beck                  Aliso Viejo, CA

************   2 ENTRIES IN CLASS 4    ************
CLASS 5    Freisian Show Driving

 1    46  Ozark P.F.                     Sally Lawing                      Sally Lawing                     Summerfield, NC
 2    88  Loek B                         Mindy VanHellemont                Mindy VanHellemont               Palm Beach, FL
 3   192  Dam Dries K                    Erin Ohning                       Diane Goforth Ohning             Greenville, SC
 4   390  Maurice Van De Zuiderwaard     Bill Jackson                      Pam Jackson                      York, SC
5   170  Hedwig                         Mrs. Pat Earl                     Mrs. Pat Earl                    Greenville, SC

************   5 ENTRIES IN CLASS 5    ************
CLASS 6    Morgan English Pleasure Adult Amateur
 1    45  CN A Touch Better             
Jason Harrell                                 Jason Harrell                    Greenville, NC
 2   213  Claridge Freedom's Spirit      Natalie Tetterton                 Connie Marshburn NatalieTetterto Williamston, NC

************   2 ENTRIES IN CLASS 6    ************
CLASS 7      UPHA Challenge Cup - 14 - 17 Years

************   0 ENTRIES IN CLASS 7     ************
CLASS 8    ASB Three Gaited Limit Horse

 1   132  Ah! What A Night               Tracy Garcia                      Shirley Giraudo                  South Pasadena, FL
 2   154  Join In The Dance              Nicki Immonen                     Amy H. Roberts                   Charlotte, NC
 3   521  CF Prowler's Rare Affair       Pieter Snyman                     Sandra Corney                    Sherril, NY
 4    28  Cafe Demitasse                 Nicole Price                      Nicole Price                     Matthews, NC

************   4 ENTRIES IN CLASS 8    ************
CLASS 9          ASB Five Gaited Show Pleasure - Junior Exhibitor
 1    13  MMMBop                         Alexandria Wellington              All-Well Farm                   Pfafftown, NC
 2   443  Yes I Have                     Carissa Marshall                  Tannehill Farms LLC              Barboursville, WV
 3    61  CH Executive Dunk              Katie Boysen                      Patti Boysen                     Hilton Head Island, SC
 4   281  Late Nite Fun                  Melissa Heres- Rosenberger        Frank Jones                      Rome, GA
 5   121  Mondial                        Kristin Panos                     Haley Stone                      Duluth, GA
 N    25  She's Fancy Free               Cory Vetter                       Rachel Vetter                    Simpsonville, KY

************   5 ENTRIES IN CLASS 9    ************
CLASS 10      Morgan Classic Pleasure Driving - Junior/Novice Horse

     462  Dragonsmeade Andante           Sarah Gallant                     Sarah Gallant                    Atlanta, GA

************   1 ENTRIES IN CLASS 10    ************
CLASS 11      Road Horse To Bike - Limit Horse
 1   268  Trio Bolero G                  Debbie Foley                      Tom Caisse                       Lagrange, KY
 2   410  Postmaster Mike                Jon Dabareiner                    Fish n Fun Farms, Inc.           Hardy, VA
 3   526  Daddy Sang Bass                Steve Hanks                       Edward Case                      Fountain Inn, SC
 4   241  Soulshine                      Steve Joyce                       Larry Jenkins                    Suwanee, GA
 5    50  Jessie James                   Harry Chapman                     Harry Chapman                    Wilsonville, OR
 6   123  Ricky Bobby                    Rick Adams                        Chuck Price                      Duluth, GA
 7   222  Hemi                           Anne Judd                         Anne Judd                        Dade City, FL

************   7 ENTRIES IN CLASS 11    ************
CLASS 12    ASB Western Pleasure Open - Open to Professionals & Amateurs
 1   135  Royal Crest's Dancing OnStones Susan Hoskins                     Susan Hoskins                    Speedwell, TN
 2   143  Conundrum                      Barbara Matthews                  Barbara Matthews                 Aiken, SC
 3   312  VHF Bay All Day                Marie Gwinn                       Marie Gwinn                      Hopkins, SC
 4   525  Harlem's Knight At The Apollo  Luanne Kilday                     Luanne Kilday                    Greenville, TN

************   4 ENTRIES IN CLASS 12    ************
CLASS 13    ASB Three Gaited Country Pleasure - Limit Horse
 1   333  CH Prophet's Fire Hazard       Deborah Richardson                Deborah Richardson               Lenoir City, TN
 2   226  Man In Charge                  Kristen Shaver                    Kristen Shaver                   Louisville, KY
 3   118  VHF York's Coppertone          Susan Estes                       The Schedule Source              LaFayette, CA
 4    90  At First Sight                 Jacqueline Monzo                  Jacqueline Monzo                 Bloomfield TWP, MI
 5   211  CF Star At First Sight         Brittany Keel                     Brittany Keel                    Whitakers, NC
 6   495  K-Town's Precious Princess     Victoria Gillenwater               Scenic View Farm                Knoxville, TN
 7   282  Royal Crest's Stone Coal       Kelley Hollowell                  Kelley Hollowell                 Calhoun, GA
 8    15  Impending Storm                Susan Orton                       Susan Orton                      Alpharetta, GA
     347  CSF Priceless Special          Ashley Zimmerman                  Ashley Zimmerman                 Woodstock, GA
     386  Crystal Creek's Strawberry Jam Christina Waddell                 Jeanie Waddell                   Cedartown, GA
     434  Manhattan Tee Time             Erin Breslin                      Deana Gilliam                    Forest City, NC
     457  Roman Knight                   Jennifer Anderson                 Kathy & Mike Barlow              Rockvale, TN

************  12 ENTRIES IN CLASS 13    ************
CLASS 14    Hackney Pleasure Driving Pony - Adult

 1   326  Oliver Twist                   Charlotte Wrather                 Charlotte Wrather                Longview, TX
 2   272  Heartland Triple Crown         Heidi Bowie                       Heidi Bowie                      Lexington, KY
 3   131  Little Miss Sunshine           Linda Richmond                    Joseph Mingione                  St Petersburg, FL
 4   508  Crystal Creek's Charm          Carl Nichols                      Kathryn & Carl Nichols           Winterville, GA
 5    52  Heartland Dynasty              Elizabeth Kuykendall              Elizabeth Kuykendall             Knoxville, TN

************   5 ENTRIES IN CLASS 14    ************
CLASS 15    Roadster Pony - Limit Pony

 1    95  Crystal Creek's Emperor        Eduardo Lopez                     Kathryn Nichols                  Winterville, GA
2   494  Picture Perfect                Victoria Gillenwater              Victoria Gillenwater             Knoxville, TN
 3   357  Seamair Leader                 Sharon Chrisman                   Sharon Chrisman                  Englewood, TN
 4   173  Knollandaire                   David Barger                      David Barger                     Newton, NC
 5   248  Conquer's Dynamo LF            Brandy Johnson                    Pete Reeves                      Thomson, GA
 6   198  Twin Willow's Storm Warning    Kelsey Baird                      Renee McCall                     Fountain Inn, SC

************   6 ENTRIES IN CLASS 15    ************
CLASS 16                             UPHA Pleasure Challenge Cup

 1    76  Tip Rogers                     Kim Mueller                       Kim Mueller                      Raleigh, NC
 2   502  Delay Of Game TS               Jayne Major                       Betty Valenti                    Tampa, FL
 3   224  Heir Brained Scheme            Sarah Tumm                        Sarah Tumm                       Prospect, KY
 4    59  I'm A Scene                    Rachel Rafolski                   Christy Parker                   Hortense, GA
 5   487  Worthy's Chicago Hope          Victoria Champion                 Katie Easton & Kristen Shaver    Crestwood, KY
 6   179  Stat                           Katie Pearson                     Katie Pearson                    Richmond Hill, GA
 E   178  Jaque Rules                    Samantha Hocking                  Lynn Pace                        Allenhurst, GA

************   7 ENTRIES IN CLASS 16    ************
CLASS 17               Morgan Hunter Pleasure Open
************   0 ENTRIES IN CLASS 17    ************
CLASS 18          ASB Five Gaited Show Pleasure - Adult
 1   260  Gotta Be Gold                  Jo Ann Griffin                    Jo Ann Griffin                   Crestwood, KY
 2   470  CH Hero's Jumpin Jack Flash    Travis Van Zetten                 Travis Van Zetten                Pewaukee, WI
 3   438  Out Of Reach                   KarenBlankenship Shumate          KarenBlankenship Shumate         Princeton, WV
 4   497  We're Having Fun Now           Victoria Gillenwater               Scenic View Farm                Knoxville, TN
 5   331  Doubletree's Confererate Gray  Deborah Richardson                Deborah Richardson               Lenoir City, TN
 6   201  Robert Lindsay                 Cheryl Weaver                     Cheryl Weaver                    Shelbyville, KY
 7    53  High In The Sky                Emma Elizabeth Grubb              Emma Elizabeth Grubb             Sea Island, GA
 8   306  Gotita                         Denise Stephens                   Denise Stephens                  Aiken, SC
     417  Hurricane Express              Morgan Powell                     Hurricane Partnership            Hopkins, SC
     505  CH Admiral's Gifted Miss       Carolyn Teal                      Carolyn Teal                     Williamston, SC

************  10 ENTRIES IN CLASS 18    ************
CLASS 19    ASB Three Gaited Junior Horse

 1   154  Join In The Dance              Nicki Immonen                     Amy H. Roberts                   Charlotte, NC


************   1 ENTRIES IN CLASS 19    ************

CLASS 20    Morgan Park Saddle Open

 1   514  HVK Noble Flame                Ariana Varveris                   Blanche&Nicolett Bauer           Goodland, FL

 2   456  Springmill Navigator           Brooke Simpson                    Brooke Simpson                   Boston, MA

 3   500  JW Authority                   Alyssa Johnson                    Barbara & John Goda              Alpharetta, GA


************   3 ENTRIES IN CLASS 20    ************

CLASS 21    ASB Fine Harness - Open


 1   483  A Cinderella Story             Bret Day                           HyHorse Farm                    Highland Park, IL

 2   286  VHF Midnight Empress           Tom Lee                           Marie Gwinn                      Hopkins, SC

 3   238  Reedann's Phine By Me          Steve Joyce                       Dr Hugh & Marion Bryan           Fayetteville, NC


************   3 ENTRIES IN CLASS 21    ************

CLASS 22    ASB Three Gaited Show Pleasure - Adult


 1   102  Teuschers                      Travis Van Zetten                 Travis Van Zetten                Pewaukee, WI

 2   373  CH Sweet Virginia              Barbara Woods                     Barbara Woods                    Land O Lakes, FL

 3   309  CH A Chance To Dance           Marie Gwinn                       Marie Gwinn                      Hopkins, SC

 4   278  CSF Supreme Memories           Judy Brown                        Judy Brown                       Catersville, GA

 5   142  CH Five Minutes More           Barbara Matthews                  Barbara Matthews                 Aiken, SC

 6    40  Johnny Cash                    Evanne Floyd                      Evanne Floyd                     Hinesville, GA

 7   506  Bongo                          Ginger Reagan                     Amy H. Roberts                   Charlotte, NC

 8    49  In The House                   Deborah Black                     Deborah Black                    Knoxville, TN

     184  My Forgotten Favorite          Simone Lovell                     Steve Allred                     Winston Salem, NC


************   9 ENTRIES IN CLASS 22    ************

CLASS 23    Harness Pony Open

 1    93  Crystal Creek's Commander      Carl Nichols                      Kathryn & Carl Nichols           Winterville, GA

 2   105  Art-O-Matic                    Mary Gise                         Priscilla Gise Revocable Trust   Tonka Bay, MN

 3    22  Wait & See's Whiz Bang         Robin Haynes                      Robin Haynes                     Alcoa, TN

 4   356  Cascade                        Sharon Chrisman                   Sharon Chrisman                  Englewood, TN

 5   329  Seamair Sensation              John Wrather                      Charlotte Wrather                Longview, TX

************   5 ENTRIES IN CLASS 23    ************

CLASS 24                     Morgan Hunter Pleasure Junior/Novice Horse


 1    43  Toast of Broadway              Sonja Duke                        Star Charmer Morgans             Elm City, NC


************   1 ENTRIES IN CLASS 24    ************

CLASS 25                           ASB Three Gaited Park Junior Horse

 1   405  Attache's Bada Bing            Grant Shiflet                      Double Doc Farm                 Campobello, SC

 2   247  Sweet Southern Comfort         Brandy Johnson                    Donald Brockman                  Campbellsville, KY

 3   310  Sugar Coated                   Paul Boone                        Marie Gwinn                      Hopkins, SC

 4   524  Eye Of The Tigress             Pieter Snyman                     Caughman Farms, Inc              East Over, SC


************   4 ENTRIES IN CLASS 25    ************

CLASS 26    Roadster Pony - Adult Amateur

 1   115  Calvin Hobbs                   Kevin Ingram                      James R. Dellinger, Jr           Cartersville, GA

 2   262  Heartland Painted Creation     John (Jeb) Boyd                   Luanne Kilday                    Greenville, TN

 3   327  Boxford Courageous Spirit      Charlotte Wrather                 Georgia Blevins                  Bowling Green, KY

 4   291  Cirque Du Soleil               Melissa Scrushy                   Melissa Scrushy                  Nashville, TN

 5   196  Twin Willows Northstar         Renee McCall                      Renee McCall                     Fountain Inn, SC

 6   182  Get Set N Go                   Mark Shumate                      Melvin Blankenship               Princeton, WV

 7    51  Top Choice                     Harry Chapman                     Harry Chapman                    Wilsonville, OR


************   7 ENTRIES IN CLASS 26    ************

CLASS 27    Morgan Walk Trot Equitation - Any Seat

 1   463  Whitemud Forever Sunbeam       Isabella Bertolani                Mike & Jill Bertolani            Alpharetta, GA


************   1 ENTRIES IN CLASS 27    ************

CLASS 28                 ASB Three Gaited - Adult Ladies

 1   103  CH Sue-She                     Ericka Nelson                     Robert & Marilyn Gaiswinkler     Elm Grove, WI

 2   369  Harlem's Black Tie Affair      Jamie Hitchin                     Jamie Hitchin                    Del Mar, CA

 3   283  Tropical Heir                  Kay Harrell                        Pinetree Stables                St Simons Island, GA

 4   246  Alexander Dunkenstein          Brandy Johnson                    Donald Brockman                  Campbellsville, KY


************   4 ENTRIES IN CLASS 28    ************

CLASS 29    ASB Three Gaited Show Pleasure - Limit Horse

************   0 ENTRIES IN CLASS 29    ************

CLASS 30     ASB Three Gaited Park - Adult Amateur

 1    92  CH His Supreme Reflection      Jacqueline Monzo                  Kimberly Jones                   Newport Beach, CA

 2   376  Meadowlark Jubilee             Morgan King                       Morgan King                      Bradenton, FL

 3   280  Macy Gray                      Kelley Hollowell                  Kelley Hollowell                 Calhoun, GA

 4   354  Illicit                        Barbara Thureson                  Barbara Thureson                 Richmond Hill, GA

 5   175  Secret Cash Deposit            Janet Kellett                     Janet Kellett                    Atlanta, GA

 6   147  Ranten N' Raven                Cindy Demarco                     Cindy Demarco                    Moneta, VA

 7   139  Classy                         Lisa Overbey                      Lisa Overbey                     Lake Worth, FL


************   7 ENTRIES IN CLASS 30    ************

CLASS 31       Morgan English Pleasure Open

 1    47  Claridge Solitary Rose         Krista Dent                       Beatrice & James Tomasello       Mechanicsburg, PA

 2   394  Willowick Double Vision        Kristen Cole                      Nancy & Paul Smith               Tierra Verde, FL

 3   460  GFF Riverdance                 Anna Gibbons                      Barbara & John Goda              Alpharetta, GA

 4   458  Faithfullee                    Shannon Connard                   Barbara & John Goda              Alpharetta, GA


************   4 ENTRIES IN CLASS 31    ************

CLASS 32    Road Horse Under Saddle


 1   516  Wildwood Flower                Lauren Riggins                    Steve Crabtree                   Elizabethtown, KY

 N   146  Eclipse                        Barbara Matthews                  Barbara Matthews                 Aiken, SC


************   1 ENTRIES IN CLASS 32    ************

CLASS 33    Hackney Pony Open

 1   330  Seamair Simply Awesome         John Wrather                      Charlotte Wrather                Longview, TX

 2    23  Fancy Ribbons                  Robin Haynes                      Randi Wightman                   Tulsa, OK

 3   109  Pacifico's Standing Ovation    Andy Freseth                      Brown-Anderson Farms, LTD        Plainfield, IL


************   3 ENTRIES IN CLASS 33    ************

CLASS 34    ASB Five Gaited - Adult Amateur


 1    10  Dreamin' Blue                  Catherine LoughlinStevensn        Beverly Kaczwara                 Waynesville, NC

 2   297  CH(SA)CarlswaldPrince'sDominoe Dr. Wendy Troyer                  Dr. Wendy Troyer                 Dunwoody, GA

 3    87  All Stirred Up                 Mindy VanHellemont                Mindy VanHellemont               Palm Beach, FL

 4   474  Your Eminence                  Dr Louis Johnson                  Dr & Mrs Louis Johnson           Lexington, KY

 5   277  CH Data Dot Com                Frank Jones                       Frank Jones                      Rome, GA

 6   229  Right Laine                    Ashley Dickinson                  Ashley Dickinson                 Louisville, KY

 7   533  Shop Till You Drop             Karen Comer                       James & Imogene Comer            Winston Salem, NC

 N   174  Callaway's Duchess of Caramac  Janet Kellett                     Janet Kellett                    Atlanta, GA

 E   351  My Starissa                    Kelly Kirkham                      Riverbend Farm                  Gallion, AL


************   8 ENTRIES IN CLASS 34    ************

CLASS 35    UPHA 10 & Under Walk/Trot Challenge Cup

 1   114  Imagination Station            Kaitlyn Creekmore                 Tom Brock                        Roanoke, VA

 2    78  Lakeside Lu Lu                 Hailey Mercurio                   Hailey Mercurio                  Wake Forest, NC

 3   350  CH Viper                       Madison Waddell                   Valery & Jeff Hall               Cumming, GA

 4   346  She's Jamaican Me Crazy        Elizabeth Grigsby                 Jennifer Alvis                   Leeds, AL

 5   336  Copper Perfection              Jennifer Huston                   Nancy Huston                     Hixson, TN


************   5 ENTRIES IN CLASS 35    ************

CLASS 36                        Morgan Pleasure Driving Amateur

 1   454  Mis Isabelle                   Isabelle Shepard                  Marsha& Isabelle Shepard         Shelbyville, TN

 2   455  HVK Standing Ovation           Katie Paige Richards              Lark Henry                       Naples, FL


************   2 ENTRIES IN CLASS 36    ************

CLASS 37     Pleasure Equitation - 14 - 17 Years

 1    59  I'm A Scene                    Rachel Rafolski                   Christy Parker                   Hortense, GA

 2   235  Sing My Song                   Kristin Smith                     Kristin Smith                    Smithfield, KY

 3   221  Answered Prayer                Amber Pitts                       Anne Judd                        Dade City, FL

 4   225  Oh Gee Whiz                    Jamie Weisbach                    Jamie Weisbach                   Louisville, KY

 5   487  Worthy's Chicago Hope          Victoria Champion                 Katie Easton & Kristen Shaver    Crestwood, KY

 6   179  Stat                           Katie Pearson                     Katie Pearson                    Richmond Hill, GA

 7    55  Heir To Success                Lauren Wendel                     Trish Sigman-Hannon              St Simons Island, GA

 N   502  Delay Of Game TS               Jayne Major                       Betty Valenti                    Tampa, FL


************   7 ENTRIES IN CLASS 37    ************

CLASS 38    ASB Three Gaited Park - Junior Exhibitor

 1   367  Carolina's Top Gun             Victoria Ashley Judd              Margaret Tirkes                  Zanesville, IN

 2    86  CH The Bess Yet                Lizzie Edgar                      Julie Edgar                      Fenton, MI

 3   389  Protector                      Dylan Hines                       Rick & Yvonne Hines              Cedartown, GA

 4    18  My Mountain Heirs              Rebekah Cloninger                 Bryan & Denise Outen             Monroe, NC

 5   209  CH Woulda Coulda Shoulda       Madison Bissette                  Dan & Brenda Austin              Raleigh, NC

 6   323  Sultan's Royal Affair          Maria Rogers                      Maria Rogers                     Dayton, TN

 7   378  Hillcroft Rare Heir            Christine Freeman                 Christine Freeman                Tampa, FL

 8   535  Magical Delivery               Ashlyn Hamilton                    Hamilton Stables                Eastover, SC

     344  The Star Contender             Barratt Rudulph                   Barratt Rudulph                  Birmingham, AL

     518  Paragonian Fury                Amber Ann Ditmore                 Amber Ann & Tim Ditmore          Madisonville, TN


************  10 ENTRIES IN CLASS 38    ************

CLASS 39    Pleasure Equitation - 13 & Under

 1    76  Tip Rogers                     Kim Mueller                       Kim Mueller                      Raleigh, NC

 2   499  CH Olympic Charm               Alexia Stumler                    David Scott                      Des Moines, IA

 3   140  Rosie O'Brien                  Rebecca Overbey                   Lisa Overbey                     Lake Worth, FL


************   3 ENTRIES IN CLASS 39    ************

CLASS 40                    Morgan Western Pleasure Amateur


************   0 ENTRIES IN CLASS 40    ************

CLASS 41            Friesian Saddle Seat Pleasure - Amateur

 1   149  Gregor Vom Eichenhof Oldenburg Tiara Terra                       Pam Jackson                      York, SC

 2   425  Marwyn Of Shady Nook Farm      Meredith Dancer                    Rein Dancer Farm                Belmont, NC

 3   391  Inne                           Kim Davidson                      Kim Davidson                     Simpsonville, SC

 4   193  Jasper fan Marksate            Diane Goforth Ohning              Diane Goforth Ohning             Greenville, SC

 5    88  Loek B                         Mindy VanHellemont                Mindy VanHellemont               Palm Beach, FL

 6   187  Syste Stonecreek               Hannah Hirschhorn                 Karl Hirschhorn                  Aiken, SC

 7   189  Axcel                          Haley Hirschhorn                  Karl Hirschhorn                  Aiken, SC


************   7 ENTRIES IN CLASS 41    ************

CLASS 42                ASB Three Gaited Show Pleasure - 14 - 17

 1   273  CH Ninety Eight Degrees        Katherine Randall                 Brookdale Farms LLC              Wilmington, NC

 2   100  Pistolero                      Andrew Slater                     Pamela Slater                    Burr Ridge, IL

 3    11  CH It's Yabba Dabba Doo Time   Alexandria Wellington      Alexandria Wellington            Winston Salem, NC

 4    24  CH New York Style              Ben Ferreby                       John & Sandy Ferreby             Prospect, KY

 5   363  Americana's Wing's             Paige Pennington                  Claude & Sharon Pennington       Baton Rouge, LA

 6   183  The Red Swan                   Nicolette Lovell                  Tommy Lovell                     Rural Hall, NC

 7    39  CH My Special Sultan           Stephanie Lockyer                  SJL Farms, Inc.                 St. Simons Island, GA

 8   216  CH Future Treasure             Chandler Gray                     Myra J. Williams                 Apex, NC

     184  My Forgotten Favorite          Candace Lovell                    Steve Allred                     Winston Salem, NC

     418  I'm The Chief                  Ali Powell                        Caughman Farms, Inc              East Over, SC

     503  With Passion                   Patience W. Ergish                Doris Crumpler                   Walnut Cove, NC


************  11 ENTRIES IN CLASS 42    ************

CLASS 43                  Morgan English Pleasure Junior Exhibitor

 1   458  Faithfullee                    Shannon Connard                   Barbara & John Goda              Alpharetta, GA

 2   214  Battier                        Anika Frank                       Jody & William Frank             Raleigh, NC

 3   130  Hylee's Dance On               Kaitlyn Armstrong                 Rufus & Deborah Armstrong        Odessa, FL

 4   460  GFF Riverdance                 Anna Gibbons                      Barbara & John Goda              Alpharetta, GA

************   4 ENTRIES IN CLASS 43    ************

CLASS 44    ASB Three Gaited Country Pleasure - Adult

 1   111  CH The Shadow Knows            Linda Meyer                       Brown-Anderson Farms, LTD        Plainfield, IL

 2   133  For Reference Only             Tracy Garcia                      Tracy Garcia                     Odessa, FL

 3   302  Upstate                        Katie Matthews                    Bill & Linda McComb              Charlotte, NC

 4   141  Endolane Supreme Admiral       Barbara Matthews                  Barbara Matthews                 Aiken, SC

 5   307  My Tee Time                    Andrea Everett                    Andrea Everett                   Charlotte, NC

 6   153  Hasani                         Amy H. Roberts                    Amy H. Roberts                   Charlotte, NC

 7   386  Crystal Creek's Strawberry Jam Christina Waddell                 Jeanie Waddell                   Cedartown, GA

 8   400  Out In The Open                Cynthia Kelly                     Cynthia Kelly                    Travelers Rest, SC

      32  Cause A Commotion              Lynn Thompson                     Lynn Thompson                    Winston Salem, NC


************   9 ENTRIES IN CLASS 44    ************

CLASS 45                        Three Gaited Pleasure Saddle Pony

 1   228  Gifted Jewel                   Melissa Corral                    Melissa Corral                   LaGrange, KY


************   1 ENTRIES IN CLASS 45    ************

CLASS 46                 Morgan Classic Pleasure Driving

 1   207  Hollybrook Walk In Tall        June A. Davis                     June A. Davis                    Pink Hill, NC

 2   463  Whitemud Forever Sunbeam       Mike Bertolani                    Mike & Jill Bertolani            Alpharetta, GA


************   2 ENTRIES IN CLASS 46    ************

CLASS 47    UPHA Challenge Cup - 13 & Under


************   0 ENTRIES IN CLASS 47    ************

CLASS 48       ASB Five Gaited Novice Horse

 1   399  Tobie McGuire                  Harrison Shiflet                  Anna Drew Kirk                   Wake Forest, NC

 2   128  Banana Pancakes                Bill Rodgers                      Dori Rath                        Bradenton, FL

 3   375  Royal Crest's Stone Fence      Maria Gilman                      Barbara Woods                    Land O Lakes, FL

 4   451  Callaway's Melosa              Todd Graham                       Royal Winds Farm, Inc            Ona, WV

 5   522  My Way's Wings Of Dreams       Pieter Snyman                     Cindy & Lee Wagoner              Alpharetta, GA

 6    83  Red Hawk's War Dance           Tina Smith                        Tina Smith                       Baldwin, GA

 7   517  Tornaado Man                   Chad Cole                          LineShare Farm                  Denton, NC


************   7 ENTRIES IN CLASS 48    ************

CLASS 49    Roadster Pony AHHS Youth Medallion

 1   520  Smackdown                      Rebekah Cloninger                 Rebekah Cloninger                Lake Wylie, SC

 2    72  CH Zildjian                    Caitlin Leith                     Caitlin Leith                    Wake Forest, NC

 3   368  Heartland Fire And Rain        Rebecca Deutsch                   Bill & Lisa Waller               Heiskell, TN

 4   144  Star Sweetheart                Madison Cheatham                  Debra Clark                      Leeds, AL

 5   498  Regal's High Tide LF           Carter Alvis                      Carter Alvis                     Leeds, AL


************   5 ENTRIES IN CLASS 49    ************

CLASS 50     ASB Western Country Pleasure


 1   311  Monsignor                      Marie Gwinn                       Marie Gwinn                      Hopkins, SC

 2   332  Lion King                      Deborah Richardson                Deborah Richardson               Lenoir City, TN

 3   135  Royal Crest's Dancing OnStones Susan Hoskins                     Susan Hoskins                    Speedwell, TN

 4   423  O Ain't I Somethin'            Luanne Kilday                     Luanne Kilday                    Greenville, TN

 5    37  Winsdown Cosmos                Mary Anne Jones                   Mary Anne Jones                  Midway, GA

 6   227  Tubac                          Jan Canine                        Jan Canine                       Prospect, KY

 7    62  Royal Crest's Stone Essence    Nancy Fortner                     Tiffany Finn                     Woodbine, GA


************   7 ENTRIES IN CLASS 50    ************

CLASS 51                  Morgan Hunter Pleasure Junior Exhibitor

 1   338  MMFM Scarlet                   Emily McCallister                 Emily McCallister                Smarr, GA

 2   339  March Militaire                Mary Alice Cheshire               Nichole Comer Mitchell           Macon, GA


************   2 ENTRIES IN CLASS 51    ************

CLASS 52    ASB Three Gaited Park Pleasure - Open

 1   379  Mo Rhythm                      Maria Gilman                      Christine Freeman                Tampa, FL

 2   444  Callaway's Summer Soltice      Billie Rae Graham                 Brynn Crotty                     South Charleston, WV

 3   436  I'm Simply Divine              Heather Boodey                     Canterlope Farm                 Petersburg, VA

 4   353  Callaway's Midnight Madness    James Hale                        Balliou Equestrian               Wellington, FL

 5   157  CF Not Tonight Chief           Nicki Immonen                     Lisa Austin                      High Point, NC

 6   127  Just As Unique                 Bill Rodgers                      Virginia Dorris                  Brodenton, FL

 7   388  The Crimson King               Jeanie Waddell                    Jeanie Waddell                   Cedartown, GA


************   7 ENTRIES IN CLASS 52    ************

CLASS 53    USEF Saddle Seat Medal - 17 & Under


 1   225  Oh Gee Whiz                    Jamie Weisbach                    Jamie Weisbach                   Louisville, KY

 2   236  Crimson Flower                 Jordyn Broten                      RO & ME LLC                     Montrose, MN


************   2 ENTRIES IN CLASS 53    ************

CLASS 54    Roadster Pony To Wagon


 1   547  Sugar Daddy                    Edward Case                       Kathy Case                       Fountain Inn, SC


************   1 ENTRIES IN CLASS 54    ************

CLASS 55    $250 Added UPHA ASB Three Year Old Park Pleasure Classic

 1   476  Brookhill's Reveille           Joe Elam                           TouchTheMoonLLC                 Versailles, KY

 2   270  Caramina's Tornaado            Tracy James                       Cross Timbers Saddlebreds, Inc   Dallas, TX

 3   513  Dazzling Delivery              Ashley Walker                     Ashley Walker                    Gastonia, NC

 4   401  It's Kid Rock                  Matlin Lightner                   T.J. & Juliet McDonald           Travelers Rest, SC


************   4 ENTRIES IN CLASS 55    ************

CLASS 56    ASB Fine Harness - Amateur

 1   472  Open Arms                      Janet Sterba                      Janet & Jeff Sterba              Keswick, VA

 2   321  Callaway's Carnegie Hall       John Wrather                      Charlotte Wrather                Longview, TX

 3   223  In Bold Print                  Paul Richardson                   Paul Richardson                  Ontario, Canada,  

 4   530  Periaptus Victorius            Ben McDaniel                      Ben McDaniel                     Greenville, SC

 5   544  He's Over The Edge             Sandra "Sug" Kaiser               Sandra "Sug" Kaiser              Blythewood, SC


************   5 ENTRIES IN CLASS 56    ************

CLASS 57    Morgan Western Pleasure - Ladies


 1   393  Arborwind Black Market         Kristen Cole                      Kristen Cole                     Myakka City, FL

 2   169  DRF Divine Design              Vicki Paar                        Vicki Paar                       Spring Hill, FL

 E   337  GFF Special Illusions          Renee Jones                       Renee Jones                      Macon, GA


************   3 ENTRIES IN CLASS 57    ************

CLASS 58                       ASB Five Gaited Junior Horse

 1   263  A Whole Different Story        Debbie Foley                      Silverbrook Stables, Inc         Lousiville, KY

 2   351  My Starissa                    James Hale                         Riverbend Farm                  Gallion, AL

 3   381  Walterway's Church Me          Jessica Anderson                  Jessica Anderson                 Orlando, FL

 4   408  The Wicked Way                 Harrison Shiflet                  Rhonda Boone                     Burnsville, NC


************   4 ENTRIES IN CLASS 58    ************

CLASS 59    ASB Three Gaited Country Pleasure - Novice Rider

 1    60  CH S.S. Lies and Alibis        Katie Boysen                      Katie Boysen                     Hilton Head, SC

 2   457  Roman Knight                   Jennifer Anderson                 Kathy & Mike Barlow              Rockvale, TN

 3   347  CSF Priceless Special          Ashley Zimmerman                  Ashley Zimmerman                 Woodstock, GA

 4   202  Night Maneuvers                Sarah Donhoff                     Sarah Donhoff                    Louisville, KY

 5   159  Shady Creek's Sensation        Linda Redding                     Linda Redding                    Charlotte, NC

 6   243  Ultra On Forty-Second Street   Stephanie Sanchez                 Stephanie Sanchez                Duluth, GA

 7   529  Super Mahvalous                Brittany Ritter                   Stockwood Saddlebreds            Pulaski, VA

 8   232  Kiowa Kid                      Cynthia Long                      Cynthia Long                     Louisville, KY

      27  Spotted In Town                Caitlin Skaradzinski              Ara P. Locklear                  Indian Trail, NC

     125  First Snow                     Angela Head                       Susan Leah Davis                 Marietta, GA

     467  Matchplay                      Bailey Bennett                    Bredin Rush                      Cary, NC

     536  Back In Black                  Evan Hamilton                      Hamilton Stables                Eastover, SC


************  12 ENTRIES IN CLASS 59    ************

CLASS 60    Five Gaited Saddle Pony


 1   473  Miss Outta My Way              Ivy Johnson                       Dr & Mrs Louis Johnson           Lexington, KY

 2   426  Jewels For A Lady              Tanner Parham                     Steve Myers                      Belews Creek, NC

 3   404  Scoot Boot And Boogie          Jessie McCurry                    Debbie McCurry                   Campobello, SC


************   3 ENTRIES IN CLASS 60    ************

CLASS 61    ASB Three Gaited Park Open

 1   374  Master And Commander           Maria Gilman                      Barbara Woods                    Land O Lakes, FL

 2   469  Day's Grecian Gray             Bret Day                          Mary & Michella Krentz           Hartford, WI

 3   352  Society Lane's Prince of Charm James Hale                        Liz Smith                        Coral Springs, FL

 4   355  Lola FeLana                    Granville Chrisman                Sharon&Granville Chrisman        Englewood, TN

 5   171  The Chocolate Drop Kid         David Barger                      Brenda Brewer                    Hickory, NC


************   5 ENTRIES IN CLASS 61    ************

CLASS 62                  Road Horse To Bike - Amateur


 1   416  Cosmical                       Jon Dabareiner                    Jon Dabareiner                   Hardy, VA

 2    50  Jessie James                   Harry Chapman                     Harry Chapman                    Wilsonville, OR

 3   145  Where's Reuben                 Debra Clark                       Debra Clark                      Leeds, AL



************   3 ENTRIES IN CLASS 62    ************

CLASS 63    ASB Country Pleasure Driving - Adult


 1   176  CF Private Night Out           Janet Kellett                     Janet Kellett                    Atlanta, GA

 2   275  Heirithmatic                   Donna Smith                       Orlando & Donna Smith            Minneapolis, MN

 3    84  Heir Cooled                    Sallie Turner                     Sallie Turner                    Buford, GA


************   3 ENTRIES IN CLASS 63    ************

CLASS 64        ASB Three Gaited - Adult Amateur

 1   137  Cabernet's Will Command        Kristen Thomas                    Sailwind Stables, Inc.           Odessa, FL

 2    69  CH Bernie's Spirit             Kim Williams                      Carolyn Williams                 Aikens, SC


************   2 ENTRIES IN CLASS 64    ************

CLASS 65                 Morgan Pleasure Driving Junior/Novice Horse

 1    44  LVM Victorious                 Krista Dent                       David Lantz                      Lebanon, PA


************   1 ENTRIES IN CLASS 65    ************

CLASS 66    ASB Five Gaited - Junior Exhibitor

 1   365  My Teddy Bheir                 Caroline Burglass                 C & E Saddlebreds LLC            Metairie, LA

 2    71  CH What's The Whoopla          Caitlin Leith                     Caitlin Leith                    Wake Forest, NC

 3   244  The Apprentice                 Bree Zandy                         Zandyland Farm                  Naples, FL

 4   271  Caramac's Big Ticket           Mia Wilson                        Huffman Horses, LLC              Louisville, KY

 5   383  LA Boca Raton                  Kelsey Olson                      Kelsey Olson                     Louisville, KY

 6   138  Travel In Style                Hope Long                          Hope Long LLC                   Odessa, FL

 7   442  Callaway's Front Man           Carissa Marshall                  Tannehill Farms LLC              Barboursville, WV

 8    25  She's Fancy Free               Cory Vetter                       Rachel Vetter                    Simpsonville, KY

 E   180  Charmed By Chance              Kasey Trent                       Kasey Trent                      Princeton, WV


************   9 ENTRIES IN CLASS 66    ************

CLASS 67                   Friesian Saddle Seat Pleasure - Open

 1   190  Hoera Boszorg II               Kelsey Baird                      Cheryl Baird                     Simpsonville, SC

 2    21  Arend T                        Lynn Wangerin                     Marilyn Macfarlane               Simpsonville, KY

 3   507  Steffen B                      Hannah Hirschhorn                 Karl Hirschhorn                  Aiken, SC


************   3 ENTRIES IN CLASS 67    ************

CLASS 68       ASB Three Gaited Park Pleasure - Junior Horse


 1   266  KK Impetuous Son               Tracy James                        Kohler Stables                  LaGrange, KY

 2   484  The Emmy Winner                Bret Day                          C. Thomas Galbreath              Hilton Head, SC

 3   134  Sonita's Only You              David Chretien                    Susan Dean Sowle                 Ocala, FL

 4   435  A Superior Night               Megan Whitby                      Karen Jones                      Durham, NC

 5   345  Heathermoor's Ezekial          Richie Fernambocq                 Heathermoor Riding Academy       Leeds, AL

 6   164  Last Gift                      Bonnie Bishop                     Carol Addison                    Columbus, NC


************   6 ENTRIES IN CLASS 68    ************

CLASS 69    Morgan English Pleasure Ladies

 1   213  Claridge Freedom's Spirit      Natalie Tetterton                 Connie Marshburn NatalieTetterto Williamston, NC

 2   394  Willowick Double Vision        Kristen Cole                      Nancy & Paul Smith               Tierra Verde, FL


************   2 ENTRIES IN CLASS 69    ************

CLASS 70                       Road Horse To Bike - Youth

 1    17  Royal Count                    Rebekah Cloninger                 Rebekah Cloninger                Lake Wylie, SC


************   1 ENTRIES IN CLASS 70    ************

CLASS 71                          ASB Five Gaited - Adult Ladies

 1   264  First Chapter                  Tracy James                       Silverbrook Stables, Inc         Lousiville, KY

 2   299  Ima Star-Buck                  Julie Burmeister                  Jerry Horoschuck                 Mooresville, NC

 3   348  Simeon                         Jackie Hale                       James & Jackie Hale              Columbiana, AL

 4    82  Merchant Commander             Tina Smith                        Tina Smith                       Baldwin, GA

 5   276  Coastal Caper                  Kay Harrell                       Jim & Kay Harrell                St Simons Island, GA

 6    68  The Magic Hour                 Ashley Zimmerman                  Ashley Zimmerman                 Woodstock, GA


************   6 ENTRIES IN CLASS 71    ************

CLASS 72          Morgan Saddle Seat Equitation - 17 & Under

1   460  GFF Riverdance                 Anna Gibbons                      Barbara & John Goda              Alpharetta, GA

 2   458  Faithfullee                    Shannon Connard                   Barbara & John Goda              Alpharetta, GA


************   2 ENTRIES IN CLASS 72    ************

CLASS 73      ASB Country Pleasure Driving - Junior Exhibitor

 1   239  Strike Up The Lights           Caitlin Hucker                    Lesley Orr                       Buford, GA

 2   177  In My Father's Eyes            Samantha Hocking                  Samantha Hocking                 Hinesville, GA


************   2 ENTRIES IN CLASS 73    ************

CLASS 74           Saddle Seat Equitation - Adult

 1   420  It's Alabama                   Reagan Huguley                    Reagan Huguley                   Birmingham, AL


************   1 ENTRIES IN CLASS 74    ************

CLASS 75                   Morgan English Pleasure Junior/Novice Horse

 1    47  Claridge Solitary Rose         Krista Dent                       Beatrice & James Tomasello       Mechanicsburg, PA

 2   406  GDT Boucheron                  Grant Shiflet                     Debbie Mentler                   Campobello, SC


************   2 ENTRIES IN CLASS 75    ************

CLASS 76    Hackney Pony Amateur

 1   158  Heartland Twice As Nice        Marilyn Swimmer                    SwimmerInsurance                Weddington, NC

 2    74  Heartland Invincible           Paul Otto                         Paul Otto                        Raleigh, NC


************   2 ENTRIES IN CLASS 76    ************

CLASS 77      ASB Walk/Trot Pleasure - 12 & Under


 1   200  Santana's Twist & Shout        Kholette Weaver                   Randy & Cheryl Weaver            Shelbyville, KY

 2   464  Excelsior                      Isabella Bertolani                Mike & Jill Bertolani            Alpharetta, GA

 3    29  The Rest Is Magic              Taylor Cooley                     Kelly or Edwin West              Winston Salem, NC

 4   197  Native Rose                    Madison McCall                    Renee McCall                     Fountain Inn, SC


 5    56  Natalie Cole                   Isabella Leslie                    Walla Farm, Inc                 St Simons Island, GA

 6   219  Buckwiser                      Jordan Parham                     Jordan Parham                    Raleigh, NC

 7   537  CF One Rare Night              Kaleb Kaiser                      Sandra "Sug" Kaiser              Blythewood, SC

 8   129  She's A Peach                  Grace McDonell                     Gamine LLC                      Tampa, FL

     543  CH Man In My Life              Erin Blankenbecklor               Erin & Kathy Blankenbecklor      Hoskins, SC


************   9 ENTRIES IN CLASS 77    ************

CLASS 78                 Saddle & Bridle's ASB Shatner Western Pleasure

 1   312  VHF Bay All Day                Marie Gwinn                       Marie Gwinn                      Hopkins, SC

 2   424  Rum Tum Tigger                 Luanne Kilday                     John (Jeb) Boyd                  Greeneville, TN

 3    62  Royal Crest's Stone Essence    Nancy Fortner                     Tiffany Finn                     Woodbine, GA

 4   227  Tubac                          Jan Canine                        Jan Canine                       Prospect, KY

 5   143  Conundrum                      Barbara Matthews                  Barbara Matthews                 Aiken, SC

 6    84  Heir Cooled                    Sallie Turner                     Sallie Turner                    Buford, GA


************   6 ENTRIES IN CLASS 78    ************

CLASS 79    Saddle Seat Equitation - Walk/Trot - 10 & Under

 1   114  Imagination Station            Kaitlyn Creekmore                 Tom Brock                        Roanoke, VA

 2   200  Santana's Twist & Shout        Kholette Weaver                   Randy & Cheryl Weaver            Shelbyville, KY

 3   160  Ch She's An Asset              Vanessa Patch                     Denese & Branson Patch           Matthews, NC

 4   350  CH Viper                       Madison Waddell                   Valery & Jeff Hall               Cumming, GA

 5    78  Lakeside Lu Lu                 Hailey Mercurio                   Hailey Mercurio                  Wake Forest, NC

 6   346  She's Jamaican Me Crazy        Elizabeth Grigsby                 Jennifer Alvis                   Leeds, AL

 7   336  Copper Perfection              Jennifer Huston                   Nancy Huston                     Hixson, TN

 8    54  Glider Supreme                 Isabella Leslie                   Emma Elizabeth Grubb             Sea Island, GA


************   8 ENTRIES IN CLASS 79    ************

CLASS 80                                  NHS Saddle Seat Event


************   0 ENTRIES IN CLASS 80    ************

CLASS 81    Morgan Hunter Pleasure Amateur

 1   212  Glorious Answer                Dr. Catherine Hill                Connie Marshburn NatalieTetterto Williamston, NC


************   1 ENTRIES IN CLASS 81    ************

CLASS 82                    Saddle & Bridle ASB Pleasure Equitation Medallion

 1   224  Heir Brained Scheme            Sarah Tumm                        Sarah Tumm                       Prospect, KY


 2    59  I'm A Scene                    Rachel Rafolski                   Christy Parker                   Hortense, GA

 3   487  Worthy's Chicago Hope          Victoria Champion                 Katie Easton & Kristen Shaver    Crestwood, KY

 4   179  Stat                           Katie Pearson                     Katie Pearson                    Richmond Hill, GA

 5   178  Jaque Rules                    Samantha Hocking                  Lynn Pace                        Allenhurst, GA


************   5 ENTRIES IN CLASS 82    ************

CLASS 83           Morgan Classic Pleasure Saddle - Junior/Novice Horse

 1   207  Hollybrook Walk In Tall        June A. Davis                     June A. Davis                    Pink Hill, NC

 2   462  Dragonsmeade Andante           Sarah Gallant                     Sarah Gallant                    Atlanta, GA


************   2 ENTRIES IN CLASS 83    ************

CLASS 84              ASB Fine Harness - Junior Exhibitor ASHAF Youth Challenge

 1   504  CH Katie's Dream               Britt Mitchell                    Britt & Betty Mitchell           Wake Forest, NC


************   1 ENTRIES IN CLASS 84    ************

CLASS 85                    Hackney Pleasure Driving Pony - Limit Pony

 1   290  Heartland Elegant Touch        Gwen Stableford                   Gwen Stableford                  Summit, NJ

 2   274  Neon Dion                      Ann Fitzpatrick                   Elizabeth H. Jones               St Simons Island, GA

 3    52  Heartland Dynasty              Elizabeth Kuykendall              Elizabeth Kuykendall             Knoxville, TN


************   3 ENTRIES IN CLASS 85    ************

CLASS 86    Morgan Pleasure Driving Open

 1   461  On Target                      Sarah Gallant                     Prescott D. May                  Roswell, GA

 2   205  Graywood's Lennox              Harry Daughtry                    Mary Daughtry                    Goldsboro, NC


************   2 ENTRIES IN CLASS 86    ************

CLASS 87     ASB Hunter Country Pleasure

************   0 ENTRIES IN CLASS 87     ************

CLASS 88            ASB Show Pleasure Driving Junior Exhib ASHAF Youth Challenge


 1    96  CH Titleist Symbol             Rachel Machamer                    Sweet Pea Farms                 Acworth, GA

 2   194  Belle Splendor                 Erin Ohning                       Mary Goforth Trust               Greenville, SC

 3   234  Eccentric Heir                 Joseph Jansen                     Kaelin Jansen                    Louisville, KY

 4   385  CH Radiant Success             Kaylee Norman                     Kaylee Norman                    Rome, GA

 5   218  Callaway's North Wind          Melanie Bennett                   Melanie Bennett                  Apex, NC


************   5 ENTRIES IN CLASS 88    ************

CLASS 89    Morgan Walk/Trot Pleasure, 12 & Under Any Seat


 1   338  MMFM Scarlet                   Emily Sheridan                    Emily McCallister                Smarr, GA

 2   549  Arts N Entertainment           Morgan Herman                     Nicole Mitchell                  Macon, GA

 3   339  March Militaire                Kyndell Windham                   Nichole Comer Mitchell           Macon, GA


************   3 ENTRIES IN CLASS 89    ************

CLASS 90       Morgan Pleasure Driving Junior/Novice Horse CHAMPIONSHIP

 1    44  LVM Victorious                 Krista Dent                       David Lantz                      Lebanon, PA


************   1 ENTRIES IN CLASS 90    ************

CLASS 91    ASB Fine Harness - Junior Horse

 1   113  Elegant Dreamcatcher           Lynda Freseth                     Tom Brock                        Roanoke, VA

 2   485  Last Man Standing              Bret Day                          Fisher Sisters LLC               Anchorage, KY

 3   289  Just In The Nick Of Time       Tom Lee                           Georgette Karp Palassis          Hollywood, SC


************   3 ENTRIES IN CLASS 91    ************

CLASS 92                  ASB Three Gaited Country Pleasure - Junior Exhib 13 & Under

 1    31  Phantom Eyes                   Natalie Penegar                   Mike & Kenia Penegar             Monroe, NC

 2   403  Leatherwood's Fanfare          Abby Bailey                       Abby & Kristi Bailey             Burnsville, NC

 3    80  Man Of Hour Dreams             Alexandra Ennis                   Alexandra Ennis                  Youngsville, NC

 4    57  College Town                   Harley Campbell                   Christy Parker                   Hortense, GA


************   4 ENTRIES IN CLASS 92    ************

CLASS 93       Three Gaited Saddle Pony


 1   279  CH Simbara's Audacity          Alexis Landreth                   Alexis Landreth                  Chattanooga, TN

 2   342  A Promised Jewel               Auster Waldron                    Steva Austill                    Birmingham, AL


************   2 ENTRIES IN CLASS 93    ************

CLASS 94           $250 Added UPHA ASB Three Year Old Five Gaited Classic

 1   267  Callaway's Don't Sass Me       Debbie Foley                      Bill Walsh                       Cincinnati, OH

 2   523  Vitruvian Man                  Pieter Snyman                     Cindy & Lee Wagoner              Emerson, GA

 3   265  Especially For Me              Tracy James                       Silverbrook Stables, Inc         Lousiville, KY

 4   448  Foxcross Divine Assets         Billie Rae Graham                 Miller Marketing Communications  Flatwoods, KY

 5    70  Radiant Rhapsody               Kim Williams                      Carolyn Williams                 Aikens, SC


************   5 ENTRIES IN CLASS 94    ************

CLASS 95    ASB Three Gaited - Junior Exhibitor 13 & Under

 1    98  Tantalize Me LCC               McKenna Slater                    Pamela Slater                    Burr Ridge, IL


************   1 ENTRIES IN CLASS 95    ************

CLASS 96                        Morgan Classic Pleasure Saddle Adult

 1   463  Whitemud Forever Sunbeam       Jill Bertolani                    Mike & Jill Bertolani            Alpharetta, GA

 2   550  Bud The Wiser                  Sue Stroud                        Sue Stroud                       Raleigh, NC


************   2 ENTRIES IN CLASS 96    ************

CLASS 97               ASB Three Gaited Show Pleasure - Novice Rider

 1   195  Callaway's Letter ToThe Editor Erin Ohning                       Diane Goforth Ohning             Greenville, SC

 2   298  Mystic Affair                  Tess Sullivan                     Tess Sullivan                    Stokesdale, NC

 3    67  Rock Ripper                    Brenda Cormier                    Brenda Cormier                   Canton, GA

 4   136  Invitation Required            Jackie Taylor                     Abbott Wilson                    Floral City, FL

 5    81  Picabo Street                  Drew Love                         Drew Love                        Wake Forest, NC

 6   502  Delay Of Game TS               Jayne Major                       Betty Valenti                    Tampa, FL

 7    38  Rosewood's Hot Shot            Morgan Dixon                       KMD Farms, LLC                  Richmond Hill, GA

 8   428  Irish Cappuccino               Amy Rawlins                       Amy Rawlins                      Kernersville, NC

      55  Heir To Success                Lauren Wendel                     Trish Sigman-Hannon              St Simons Island, GA

     120  Playdate                       Taylor Price                      Taylor,NikiChuck Price           Duluth, GA

     208  Fire Number One                Catherine Boles                   Catherine Boles                  Raleigh, NC

     240  A Splash Of Class              Callie Culbertson                 Callie Culbertson                Greenville, SC

     340  Select Me                      Lauren Byrd                       Lauren Byrd                      Birmingham, AL

     384  Cloverleaf Armagedon           Judy Kerr                         Judy Kerr                        Dunwoody, GA

     418  I'm The Chief                  Morgan Powell                     Caughman Farms, Inc              East Over, SC

     419  Romantic Magdalena             Madison Mahaffey                   KSMA Enterprises                Vestavia Hills, AL

     421  Thunder Over Manhattan         Wynn Smiley                       Geraldine Bielefeld              Waynesville, OH

     499  CH Olympic Charm               Alexia Stumler                    David Scott                      Des Moines, IA


************  18 ENTRIES IN CLASS 97    ************

CLASS 98               Roadster Pony Under Saddle AHHS Youth Medallion

 1   144  Star Sweetheart                Madison Cheatham                  Debra Clark                      Leeds, AL

 2   427  Seamair's Nobility             Tanner Parham                      Double M Farm                   Belews Creek, NC

 3   538  Poinsettia's Seat Dragon       Kaleb Kaiser                      Sandra "Sug" Kaiser              Blythewood, SC


************   3 ENTRIES IN CLASS 98    ************

CLASS 99    ASB Fine Harness - Two Year Old


     284  Akeelah                        Tom Lee                           Tom Lee & Brian Reimer           Keysville, GA

     439  Just Out Of Reach              Todd Graham                       Melvin Blankenship               Princeton, WV



************   2 ENTRIES IN CLASS 99    ************

CLASS 100                  ASB Three Gaited Country Pleasure - Junior Exibitor 14 - 17

 1   364  Callaway's Blue Agate          Emily Burglass                    C & E Saddlebreds LLC            Metairie, LA

 2   239  Strike Up The Lights           Caitlin Hucker                    Lesley Orr                       Buford, GA

 3   477  Bibbidi Blackidi Boo           Katie Prows-Lepera                Janalyn Prows                    Versailles, KY

 4   358  Twist Again                    Amber Ann Ditmore                 Amber Ann & Tim Ditmore          Madisonville, TN

 5   124  Reedann's Phandango            Heather Colley                    Heather ColleyOr Dvid/ShrlySauce Duluth, GA

 6   519  Chilaquiles                    RaeAnn Stengel                    Irene & Darrell Crosswhite       La Grange, IL

 7   119  Aidan Hobbs                    Rosalie Brown                     Cheryle &Rosalie Brown           Atlanta, GA


************   7 ENTRIES IN CLASS 100    ************

CLASS 101    Morgan Western Pleasure Open

 1   393  Arborwind Black Market         Kristen Cole                      Kristen Cole                     Myakka City, FL

 2   337  GFF Special Illusions          Renee Jones                       Renee Jones                      Macon, GA

 3   169  DRF Divine Design              Vicki Paar                        Vicki Paar                       Spring Hill, FL


************   3 ENTRIES IN CLASS 101    ************

CLASS 102             ASB Three Gaited - Junior Exhibitor 14 - 17

 1   362  CH Mahvalous Asset             Paige Pennington                  Claude & Sharon Pennington       Baton Rouge, LA

 2   242  Sky High Money                 Natalie Sanchez                   Natalie Sanchez                  Duluth, GA

 3   372  Kalarama's Loose Lips          Rebecca Deutsch                   Rebecca Deutsch                  Scarsdale, NY

 4   335  Casey O'Grady                  Leslie Mechling                   Sherry Mechling                  Ooltewah, TN

 5   231  In A Minute                    Paige Klee                        Lisa & Michael Klee              Union, KY

 6    28  Cafe Demitasse                 Nicole Price                      Nicole Price                     Matthews, NC

 N   396  Callaway's Paisano             Jenna Norton                      Joan Sonnabend                   Mooresboro, NC


************   6 ENTRIES IN CLASS 102    ************

CLASS 103              ASB Three Gaited Show Pleasure Limit Horse CHAMPIONSHIP

 1   334  Tornaada's Storm Warning       Deborah Richardson                Deborah Richardson               Lenoir City, TN

 2   269  Callaway's Northern Fling      Melody Murphy                     Mrs. Sandra Murphy               Thomasville, NC

 3   471  My Stiletto                    Katy Sterba                       Kathryn Sterba                   Keswick, VA

 4   468  Making A Move                  Bredin Rush                       Bredin Rush                      Cary, NC

 5   370  Beaujolais Nouveau             Jody Thomas                       Lizabeth Thomas                  Church Hill, TN

 6   301  Miraculous Odds                Lauren Camp De-Haan               Larry Camp                       Concord, NC

 7   420  It's Alabama                   Reagan Huguley                    Reagan Huguley                   Birmingham, AL

 8   324  Because I Said So              Janie Hamilton                    Wincrest Farm LLC                Pewaukee, WI

      75  Aerial View                    Martha Fraser                     Martha Fraser                    Suffolk, VA

     156  Frasier Crane                  Ginger Reagan                     Dr. Ginger Reagan                Wilmington, NC

     210  Charismatic Ken                Brittany Keel                      Keel Farms, Inc                 Whitakers, NC

     303  Callaway's Cover Page          Emma Carol Lewis                  Teresa Lewis                     Zebulon, NC

     343  Jet Lee                        Alexis Braswell                   Little Cahaba Properties         Birmingham, AL


     407  The Irish Tempest              Jessica Epley                     Jessica Epley                    Greenville, SC

     515  Hot New Release                Anna Stoddard                     Kay Williford                    Bethel, NC


************  15 ENTRIES IN CLASS 103    ************

CLASS 104            $250 ADDED UPHA ASB Fine Harness - Three Year Old Classic

 1   287  VHF Lemon Lane                 Tom Lee                           Laura Gralton                    Hartland, WI

 2   413  New York City Kitty            Greg O'Kelley                     Fish n Fun Farms, Inc.           Hardy, VA


************   2 ENTRIES IN CLASS 104    ************

CLASS 105    Friesian Show Driving CHAMPIONSHIP

 1    46  Ozark P.F.                     Sally Lawing                      Sally Lawing                     Summerfield, NC

 2   390  Maurice Van De Zuiderwaard     Bill Jackson                      Pam Jackson                      York, SC

 3    88  Loek B                         Mindy VanHellemont                Mindy VanHellemont               Birmingham, MI

 4   192  Dam Dries K                    Erin Ohning                       Diane Goforth Ohning             Greenville, SC

 5   170  Hedwig                         Mrs. Pat Earl                     Mrs. Pat Earl                    Greenville, SC


************   5 ENTRIES IN CLASS 105    ************

CLASS 106         ASB Three Gaited Country Pleasure Limit Horse CHAMPIONSHIP

 1    90  At First Sight                 Jacqueline Monzo                  Jacqueline Monzo                 Bloomfield TWP, MI

 2   333  CH Prophet's Fire Hazard       Deborah Richardson                Deborah Richardson               Lenoir City, TN

 3   226  Man In Charge                  Kristen Shaver                    Kristen Shaver                   Louisville, KY

 4   118  VHF York's Coppertone          Susan Estes                       The Schedule Source              LaFayette, CA

 5    15  Impending Storm                Susan Orton                       Susan Orton                      Alpharetta, GA

 6   386  Crystal Creek's Strawberry Jam Christina Waddell                 Jeanie Waddell                   Cedartown, GA

 7   282  Royal Crest's Stone Coal       Kelley Hollowell                  Kelley Hollowell                 Calhoun, GA

 8   211  CF Star At First Sight         Brittany Keel                     Brittany Keel                    Whitakers, NC


************   8 ENTRIES IN CLASS 106    ************

CLASS 107                       Morgan Park Harness Open

 1   459  Gillfree Power Play            Sarah Gallant                     Barbara & John Goda              Alpharetta, GA


************   1 ENTRIES IN CLASS 107    ************

CLASS 108                    ASB Five Gaited Limit Horse

 1   517  Tornaado Man                   Chad Cole                          LineShare Farm                  Denton, NC

 2   409  Roseridge Many Tears           Harrison Shiflet                  Rhonda Boone                     Burnsville, NC

 3   174  Callaway's Duchess of Caramac  Janet Kellett                     Janet Kellett                    Atlanta, GA


 4   533  Shop Till You Drop             Karen Comer                       James & Imogene Comer            Winston Salem, NC

 5   474  Your Eminence                  Dr Louis Johnson                  Dr & Mrs Louis Johnson           Lexington, KY


************   5 ENTRIES IN CLASS 108    ************

CLASS 109                                        Saddle Seat Equitation - Walk/Trot - 10 & Under CHAMPIONSHIP



 1    78  Lakeside Lu Lu                 Hailey Mercurio                   Hailey Mercurio                  Wake Forest, NC

 2   200  Santana's Twist & Shout        Kholette Weaver                   Randy & Cheryl Weaver            Shelbyville, KY

 3   336  Copper Perfection              Jennifer Huston                   Nancy Huston                     Hixson, TN

 4   160  Ch She's An Asset              Vanessa Patch                     Denese & Branson Patch           Matthews, NC

 5   346  She's Jamaican Me Crazy        Elizabeth Grigsby                 Jennifer Alvis                   Leeds, AL

 6   350  CH Viper                       Madison Waddell                   Valery & Jeff Hall               Cumming, GA

 7    54  Glider Supreme                 Isabella Leslie                   Emma Elizabeth Grubb             Sea Island, GA

 N   114  Imagination Station            Kaitlyn Creekmore                 Tom Brock                        Roanoke, VA


************   7 ENTRIES IN CLASS 109    ************

CLASS 110    ASB Show Pleasure Driving - Jr Exhibitor CHAMPIONSHIP

 1    96  CH Titleist Symbol             Rachel Machamer                    Sweet Pea Farms                 Acworth, GA

 2   194  Belle Splendor                 Erin Ohning                       Mary Goforth Trust               Greenville, SC

 3   234  Eccentric Heir                 Joseph Jansen                     Kaelin Jansen                    Louisville, KY

 4   385  CH Radiant Success             Kaylee Norman                     Kaylee Norman                    Rome, GA

 N   172  Simply Silver                  Alice (Bunny) Foshie              Mr & Mrs Gary Foshie             Greenville, TN


************   4 ENTRIES IN CLASS 110    ************

CLASS 111                              Harness Pony Amateur

 1    93  Crystal Creek's Commander      Carl Nichols                      Kathryn & Carl Nichols           Winterville, GA


************   1 ENTRIES IN CLASS 111    ************

CLASS 112                    ASB Three Gaited Park Pleasure - Open CHAMPIONSHIP

 1   379  Mo Rhythm                      Maria Gilman                      Christine Freeman                Tampa, FL

 2   444  Callaway's Summer Soltice      Kathy Crotty                      Brynn Crotty                     South Charleston, WV

 3   353  Callaway's Midnight Madness    James Hale                        Balliou Equestrian               Wellington, FL

 4   157  CF Not Tonight Chief           Nicki Immonen                     Lisa Austin                      High Point, NC


************   4 ENTRIES IN CLASS 112    ************

CLASS 113    Morgan Walk/Trot Pleasure, 12 Yrs & Under CHAMPIONSHIP

 1   338  MMFM Scarlet                   Emily Sheridan                    Emily McCallister                Smarr, GA

 2   549  Arts N Entertainment           Morgan Herman                     Nicole Mitchell                  Macon, GA

 3   339  March Militaire                Kyndell Windham                   Nichole Comer Mitchell           Macon, GA

************   3 ENTRIES IN CLASS 113    ************

CLASS 114     ASB Hunter Country Pleasure CHAMPIONSHIP

************   0 ENTRIES IN CLASS 114     ************

CLASS 115                    ASB Walk/Trot Pleasure 12 & Under CHAMPIONSHIP

 1   200  Santana's Twist & Shout        Kholette Weaver                   Randy & Cheryl Weaver            Shelbyville, KY

 2    29  The Rest Is Magic              Taylor Cooley                     Kelly or Edwin West              Winston Salem, NC

 3   464  Excelsior                      Isabella Bertolani                Mike & Jill Bertolani            Alpharetta, GA

 4   537  CF One Rare Night              Kaleb Kaiser                      Sandra "Sug" Kaiser              Blythewood, SC

 5   129  She's A Peach                  Grace McDonell                     Gamine LLC                      Tampa, FL

 6   219  Buckwiser                      Jordan Parham                     Jordan Parham                    Raleigh, NC

 7    56  Natalie Cole                   Isabella Leslie                    Walla Farm, Inc                 St Simons Island, GA

 8   197  Native Rose                    Madison McCall                    Renee McCall                     Fountain Inn, SC

     543  CH Man In My Life              Erin Blankenbecklor               Erin & Kathy Blankenbecklor      Hoskins, SC


************   9 ENTRIES IN CLASS 115    ************

CLASS 116    ASB Country Pleasure Driving CHAMPIONSHIP

1   176  CF Private Night Out           Janet Kellett                     Janet Kellett                    Atlanta, GA

 2   177  In My Father's Eyes            Samantha Hocking                  Samantha Hocking                 Hinesville, GA

 3   275  Heirithmatic                   Donna Smith                       Orlando & Donna Smith            Minneapolis, MN

 4    84  Heir Cooled                    Sallie Turner                     Sallie Turner                    Buford, GA


************   4 ENTRIES IN CLASS 116    ************

CLASS 117                           Five Gaited Saddle Pony CHAMPIONSHIP

 1   426  Jewels For A Lady              Tanner Parham                     Steve Myers                      Belews Creek, NC

 2   473  Miss Outta My Way              Ivy Johnson                       Dr & Mrs Louis Johnson           Lexington, KY

 3   404  Scoot Boot And Boogie          Jessie McCurry                    Debbie McCurry                   Campobello, SC


************   3 ENTRIES IN CLASS 117    ************

CLASS 118                            Pleasure Equitation CHAMPIONSHIP

 1   235  Sing My Song                   Kristin Smith                     Kristin Smith                    Smithfield, KY

 2    76  Tip Rogers                     Kim Mueller                       Kim Mueller                      Raleigh, NC

 3   225  Oh Gee Whiz                    Jamie Weisbach                    Jamie Weisbach                   Louisville, KY

 4   224  Heir Brained Scheme            Sarah Tumm                        Sarah Tumm                       Prospect, KY

 5   502  Delay Of Game TS               Jayne Major                       Betty Valenti                    Tampa, FL

 6   221  Answered Prayer                Amber Pitts                       Anne Judd                        Dade City, FL


 7    59  I'm A Scene                    Rachel Rafolski                   Christy Parker                   Hortense, GA

 8   487  Worthy's Chicago Hope          Victoria Champion                 Katie Easton & Kristen Shaver    Crestwood, KY

     179  Stat                           Katie Pearson                     Katie Pearson                    Richmond Hill, GA


************   9 ENTRIES IN CLASS 118    ************

CLASS 119    Hackney Pleasure Driving Pony CHAMPIONSHIP

 1    12  Hawkeye's Chatter Box          Alexandria Wellington             Alexandria Wellington            Winston Salem, NC

 2   326  Oliver Twist                   Charlotte Wrather                 Charlotte Wrather                Longview, TX

 3   290  Heartland Elegant Touch        Gwen Stableford                   Gwen Stableford                  Summit, NJ

 4   508  Crystal Creek's Charm          Carl Nichols                      Kathryn & Carl Nichols           Winterville, GA

 5   274  Neon Dion                      Ann Fitzpatrick                   Elizabeth H. Jones               St Simons Island, GA

 6   131  Little Miss Sunshine           Linda Richmond                    Joseph Mingione                  St Petersburg, FL

 7    52  Heartland Dynasty              Elizabeth Kuykendall              Elizabeth Kuykendall             Knoxville, TN

 8   272  Heartland Triple Crown         Heidi Bowie                       Heidi Bowie                      Lexington, KY


************   8 ENTRIES IN CLASS 119    ************

CLASS 120                       Morgan Western Pleasure Junior/Novice Horse

 1   430  UDM Twenty-Four Carats         Rick Gervasio                     Karen Burridge                   Gainesville, FL

 2   501  Hylee Hill Street Blues        Kristen Cole                      Nancy & Paul Smith               Tierra Verde, FL


************   2 ENTRIES IN CLASS 120    ************

CLASS 121    ASB Western Country Pleasure CHAMPIONSHIP

 1   423  O Ain't I Somethin'            Luanne Kilday                     Luanne Kilday                    Greenville, TN

 2   311  Monsignor                      Marie Gwinn                       Marie Gwinn                      Hopkins, SC

 3   332  Lion King                      Deborah Richardson                Deborah Richardson               Lenoir City, TN

 4   135  Royal Crest's Dancing OnStones Susan Hoskins                     Susan Hoskins                    Speedwell, TN

 5    37  Winsdown Cosmos                Mary Anne Jones                   Mary Anne Jones                  Midway, GA

 6   227  Tubac                          Jan Canine                        Jan Canine                       Prospect, KY

 7    62  Royal Crest's Stone Essence    Nancy Fortner                     Tiffany Finn                     Woodbine, GA


************   7 ENTRIES IN CLASS 121    ************

CLASS 122    Three Gaited Pleasure Saddle Pony CHAMPIONSHIP

 1   228  Gifted Jewel                   Melissa Corral                    Melissa Corral                   LaGrange, KY


************   1 ENTRIES IN CLASS 122    ************

CLASS 123     Morgan Classic Pleasure Saddle Junior Exhibitor


************   0 ENTRIES IN CLASS 123     ************

CLASS 124    Roadster Pony - Junior Pony

 1   106  Romeo's Kristy Lee LF          Andy Freseth                      Priscilla Gise Revocable Trust   Tonka Bay, MN

 2     8  Sha-Boom                       Lewis Eckard                      Karl Bridgeman                   Taylorsville, NC


************   2 ENTRIES IN CLASS 124    ************

CLASS 125    ASB Three Gaited Country Pleasure Novice Rider CHAMPIONSHIP

 1    60  CH S.S. Lies and Alibis        Katie Boysen                      Katie Boysen                     Hilton Head, SC

 2   159  Shady Creek's Sensation        Linda Redding                     Linda Redding                    Charlotte, NC

 3   243  Ultra On Forty-Second Street   Stephanie Sanchez                 Stephanie Sanchez                Duluth, GA

 4   347  CSF Priceless Special          Ashley Zimmerman                  Ashley Zimmerman                 Woodstock, GA

 5   467  Matchplay                      Bailey Bennett                    Bredin Rush                      Cary, NC

 6   202  Night Maneuvers                Sarah Donhoff                     Sarah Donhoff                    Louisville, KY

 7   457  Roman Knight                   Jennifer Anderson                 Kathy & Mike Barlow              Rockvale, TN

 8   232  Kiowa Kid                      Cynthia Long                      Cynthia Long                     Louisville, KY

      27  Spotted In Town                Caitlin Skaradzinski              Ara P. Locklear                  Indian Trail, NC

     125  First Snow                     Angela Head                       Susan Leah Davis                 Marietta, GA

     529  Super Mahvalous                Brittany Ritter                   Stockwood Saddlebreds            Pulaski, VA

     536  Back In Black                  Evan Hamilton                      Hamilton Stables                Eastover, SC


************  12 ENTRIES IN CLASS 125    ************

CLASS 126                                Hackney Pony CHAMPIONSHIP

 1   330  Seamair Simply Awesome         John Wrather                      Charlotte Wrather                Longview, TX

 2    23  Fancy Ribbons                  Robin Haynes                      Randi Wightman                   Tulsa, OK

 3   109  Pacifico's Standing Ovation    Andy Freseth                      Brown-Anderson Farms, LTD        Plainfield, IL

 N   158  Heartland Twice As Nice        Marilyn Swimmer                    SwimmerInsurance                Weddington, NC


************   3 ENTRIES IN CLASS 126    ************

CLASS 127    ASB Park Pleasure - Junior Horse CHAMPIONSHIP

 1   266  KK Impetuous Son               Tracy James                        Kohler Stables                  LaGrange, KY

 2   484  The Emmy Winner                Bret Day                          C. Thomas Galbreath              Hilton Head, SC

 3   164  Last Gift                      Bonnie Bishop                     Carol Addison                    Columbus, NC

 4   134  Sonita's Only You              David Chretien                    Susan Dean Sowle                 Ocala, FL

 5   345  Heathermoor's Ezekial          Richie Fernambocq                 Heathermoor Riding Academy       Leeds, AL


************   5 ENTRIES IN CLASS 127    ************

CLASS 128    Morgan Hunter Pleasure Ladies


 1    43  Toast of Broadway              Sonja Duke                        Star Charmer Morgans             Elm City, NC


************   1 ENTRIES IN CLASS 128    ************

CLASS 129    ASB Three Gaited Show Pleasure Novice Rider CHAMPIONSHIP


 1   136  Invitation Required            Jackie Taylor                     Abbott Wilson                    Floral City, FL

 2   195  Callaway's Letter ToThe Editor Erin Ohning                       Diane Goforth Ohning             Greenville, SC

 3    81  Picabo Street                  Drew Love                         Drew Love                        Wake Forest, NC

 4   428  Irish Cappuccino               Amy Rawlins                       Amy Rawlins                      Kernersville, NC

 5   208  Fire Number One                Catherine Boles                   Catherine Boles                  Raleigh, NC

 6   384  Cloverleaf Armagedon           Judy Kerr                         Judy Kerr                        Dunwoody, GA

 7    67  Rock Ripper                    Brenda Cormier                    Brenda Cormier                   Canton, GA

 8    38  Rosewood's Hot Shot            Morgan Dixon                       KMD Farms, LLC                  Richmond Hill, GA

      55  Heir To Success                Lauren Wendel                     Trish Sigman-Hannon              St Simons Island, GA

     240  A Splash Of Class              Callie Culbertson                 Callie Culbertson                Greenville, SC

     340  Select Me                      Lauren Byrd                       Lauren Byrd                      Birmingham, AL

     419  Romantic Magdalena             Madison Mahaffey                   KSMA Enterprises                Vestavia Hills, AL

     421  Thunder Over Manhattan         Wynn Smiley                       Geraldine Bielefeld              Waynesville, OH


************  13 ENTRIES IN CLASS 129    ************

CLASS 130    Road Horse To Bike - Youth CHAMPIONSHIP

 1    17  Royal Count                    Rebekah Cloninger                 Rebekah Cloninger                Lake Wylie, SC


************   1 ENTRIES IN CLASS 130    ************

CLASS 131    ASB Three Gaited - Three Year Old

 1   305  Buckles, Boots N' Spurs        Cydney Cutchall                   Wendy Coley                      Charlotte, NC

 2   412  Dance On The Inside            Greg O'Kelley                     Fish n Fun Farms, Inc.           Hardy, VA

 3   288  LBF It's Edisto                Tom Lee                           Georgette Karp Palassis          Hollywood, SC


************   3 ENTRIES IN CLASS 131    ************

CLASS 132    Saddle Seat Equitation CHAMPIONSHIP - 13 & Under

 1   236  Crimson Flower                 Jordyn Broten                      RO & ME LLC                     Montrose, MN


************   1 ENTRIES IN CLASS 132    ************

CLASS 133      ASB Show Pleasure Driving CHAMPIONSHIP

 1   107  CH Shot With Glory             Elizabeth James-Lipscomb          Elizabeth James-Lipscomb         West Bend, WI

 2   366  I'm An Early Riser             Mary Lynn McMains                 Mary Lynn McMains                Baton Rouge, LA

 3   304  CH Selvaggio                   Bonnie Koch                       Bonnie & Robert Koch             Bluffton, SC

 4   527  Bailey Bank and Bodacious      Wanda Hensley                     James Bailey                     Bluefield, WV

 5   172  Simply Silver                  Alice (Bunny) Foshie              Mr & Mrs Gary Foshie             Greenville, TN


************   5 ENTRIES IN CLASS 133    ************

CLASS 134                         Morgan Park Saddle Open CHAMPIONSHIP

 1   514  HVK Noble Flame                Ariana Varveris                   Blanche&Nicolett Bauer           Goodland, FL

 2   456  Springmill Navigator           Brooke Simpson                    Brooke Simpson                   Boston, MA

 E   500  JW Authority                   Alyssa Johnson                    Barbara & John Goda              Alpharetta, GA


************   3 ENTRIES IN CLASS 134    ************

CLASS 135              ASB Five Gaited Show Pleasure - Junior Exhibitor CHAMPIONSHP

 1    13  MMMBop                         Alexandria Wellington              All-Well Farm                   Pfafftown, NC

 2   443  Yes I Have                     Carissa Marshall                  Tannehill Farms LLC              Barboursville, WV

 3    61  CH Executive Dunk              Katie Boysen                      Patti Boysen                     Hilton Head Island, SC

 4   121  Mondial                        Kristin Panos                     Haley Stone                      Duluth, GA


************   4 ENTRIES IN CLASS 135    ************

CLASS 136    Morgan Classic Pleasure Driving CHAMPIONSHIP

 1   207  Hollybrook Walk In Tall        June A. Davis                     June A. Davis                    Pink Hill, NC

 2   463  Whitemud Forever Sunbeam       Mike Bertolani                    Mike & Jill Bertolani            Alpharetta, GA


************   2 ENTRIES IN CLASS 136    ************

CLASS 137    ASB Three Gaited - Ladies CHAMPIONSHIP

 1   103  CH Sue-She                     Ericka Nelson                     Robert & Marilyn Gaiswinkler     Elm Grove, WI

 2   369  Harlem's Black Tie Affair      Jamie Hitchin                     Jamie Hitchin                    Del Mar, CA

 3   283  Tropical Heir                  Kay Harrell                        Pinetree Stables                St Simons Island, GA

 4   246  Alexander Dunkenstein          Brandy Johnson                    Donald Brockman                  Campbellsville, KY


************   4 ENTRIES IN CLASS 137    ************

CLASS 138    ASB Three Gaited Country Pleasure Adult CHAMPIONSHIP

 1   111  CH The Shadow Knows            Linda Meyer                       Brown-Anderson Farms, LTD        Plainfield, IL

 2   302  Upstate                        Katie Matthews                    Bill & Linda McComb              Charlotte, NC

 3   133  For Reference Only             Tracy Garcia                      Tracy Garcia                     Odessa, FL

 4   153  Hasani                         Amy H. Roberts                    Amy H. Roberts                   Charlotte, NC

 5   307  My Tee Time                    Andrea Everett                    Andrea Everett                   Charlotte, NC

 6   141  Endolane Supreme Admiral       Barbara Matthews                  Barbara Matthews                 Aiken, SC

 7   400  Out In The Open                Cynthia Kelly                     Cynthia Kelly                    Travelers Rest, SC

 8    32  Cause A Commotion              Lynn Thompson                     Lynn Thompson                    Winston Salem, NC


************   8 ENTRIES IN CLASS 138    ************

CLASS 139                        Roadster Pony Junior Exhibitor CHAMPIONSHIP

 1    72  CH Zildjian                    Caitlin Leith                     Caitlin Leith                    Wake Forest, NC

 2   520  Smackdown                      Rebekah Cloninger                 Rebekah Cloninger                Lake Wylie, SC

 3   368  Heartland Fire And Rain        Rebecca Deutsch                   Bill & Lisa Waller               Heiskell, TN

 4   198  Twin Willow's Storm Warning    Kelsey Baird                      Renee McCall                     Fountain Inn, SC

 5   498  Regal's High Tide LF           Carter Alvis                      Carter Alvis                     Leeds, AL


************   5 ENTRIES IN CLASS 139    ************

CLASS 140                    ASB Three Gaited Park - Junior Exhibitor CHAMPIONSHIP

 1   367  Carolina's Top Gun             Victoria Ashley Judd              Margaret Tirkes                  Zanesville, IN

 2   209  CH Woulda Coulda Shoulda       Madison Bissette                  Dan & Brenda Austin              Raleigh, NC

 3   389  Protector                      Dylan Hines                       Rick & Yvonne Hines              Cedartown, GA

 4    18  My Mountain Heirs              Rebekah Cloninger                 Bryan & Denise Outen             Monroe, NC

 5   378  Hillcroft Rare Heir            Christine Freeman                 Christine Freeman                Tampa, FL

 6   323  Sultan's Royal Affair          Maria Rogers                      Maria Rogers                     Dayton, TN

 7    86  CH The Bess Yet                Lizzie Edgar                      Julie Edgar                      Fenton, MI

 8   518  Paragonian Fury                Amber Ann Ditmore                 Amber Ann & Tim Ditmore          Madisonville, TN

     344  The Star Contender             Barratt Rudulph                   Barratt Rudulph                  Birmingham, AL

 E   535  Magical Delivery               Ashlyn Hamilton                    Hamilton Stables                Eastover, SC


************  10 ENTRIES IN CLASS 140    ************

CLASS 141                         Morgan Hunter Pleasure Open CHAMPIONSHIP


 1    43  Toast of Broadway              Sonja Duke                        Star Charmer Morgans             Elm City, NC

 2   339  March Militaire                Mary Alice Cheshire               Nichole Comer Mitchell           Macon, GA

 3   212  Glorious Answer                Dr. Catherine Hill                Connie Marshburn NatalieTetterto Williamston, NC

 4   338  MMFM Scarlet                   Emily McCallister                 Emily McCallister                Smarr, GA


************   4 ENTRIES IN CLASS 141    ************

CLASS 142    Three Gaited Saddle Pony CHAMPIONSHIP


 1   279  CH Simbara's Audacity          Alexis Landreth                   Alexis Landreth                  Chattanooga, TN

 2   342  A Promised Jewel               Auster Waldron                    Steva Austill                    Birmingham, AL


************   2 ENTRIES IN CLASS 142    ************

CLASS 143    Road Horse To Bike Amateur CHAMPIONSHIP

 1   416  Cosmical                       Jon Dabareiner                    Jon Dabareiner                   Hardy, VA

 2   145  Where's Reuben                 Debra Clark                       Debra Clark                      Leeds, AL

 3    50  Jessie James                   Harry Chapman                     Harry Chapman                    Wilsonville, OR


************   3 ENTRIES IN CLASS 143    ************

CLASS 144    ASB Three Gaited Show Pleasure - 14-17 CHAMPIONSHIP

 1   273  CH Ninety Eight Degrees        Katherine Randall                 Brookdale Farms LLC              Wilmington, NC

 2    24  CH New York Style              Ben Ferreby                       John & Sandy Ferreby             Prospect, KY

 3    11  CH It's Yabba Dabba Doo Time   Alexandria Wellington             Alexandria Wellington            Winston Salem, NC

 4   100  Pistolero                      Andrew Slater                     Pamela Slater                    Burr Ridge, IL

 5   363  Americana's Wing's             Paige Pennington                  Claude & Sharon Pennington       Baton Rouge, LA

 6   216  CH Future Treasure             Chandler Gray                     Myra J. Williams                 Apex, NC

 7    39  CH My Special Sultan           Stephanie Lockyer                  SJL Farms, Inc.                 St. Simons Island, GA

 8   183  The Red Swan                   Nicolette Lovell                  Tommy Lovell                     Rural Hall, NC

     418  I'm The Chief                  Ali Powell                        Caughman Farms, Inc              East Over, SC

     419  Romantic Magdalena             Madison Mahaffey                   KSMA Enterprises                Vestavia Hills, AL

     421  Thunder Over Manhattan         Wynn Smiley                       Geraldine Bielefeld              Waynesville, OH

 N   503  With Passion                   Patience W. Ergish                Doris Crumpler                   Walnut Cove, NC


************  11 ENTRIES IN CLASS 144    ************

CLASS 145                   Morgan English Pleasure Amateur CHAMPIONSHIP

 1    45  CN A Touch Better              Jason Harrell                     Jason Harrell                    Greenville, NC

 2   458  Faithfullee                    Shannon Connard                   Barbara & John Goda              Alpharetta, GA

 3   213  Claridge Freedom's Spirit      Natalie Tetterton                 Connie Marshburn NatalieTetterto Williamston, NC

 4   460  GFF Riverdance                 Anna Gibbons                      Barbara & John Goda              Alpharetta, GA

 5   214  Battier                        Anika Frank                       Jody & William Frank             Raleigh, NC

 6   130  Hylee's Dance On               Kaitlyn Armstrong                 Rufus & Deborah Armstrong        Odessa, FL


************   6 ENTRIES IN CLASS 145    ************

CLASS 146    Roadster Pony Amateur CHAMPIONSHIP

 1   115  Calvin Hobbs                   Kevin Ingram                      James R. Dellinger, Jr           Cartersville, GA

 2   327  Boxford Courageous Spirit      Charlotte Wrather                 Charlotte Wrather                Longview, TX

 3   262  Heartland Painted Creation     John (Jeb) Boyd                   Luanne Kilday                    Greenville, TN

 4   196  Twin Willows Northstar         Renee McCall                      Renee McCall                     Fountain Inn, SC

 5   291  Cirque Du Soleil               Melissa Scrushy                   Melissa Scrushy                  Nashville, TN

 6    51  Top Choice                     Harry Chapman                     Harry Chapman                    Wilsonville, OR


************   6 ENTRIES IN CLASS 146    ************

CLASS 147    ASB Three Gaited Show Pleasure - 13 & Under CHAMPIONSHIP

 1   110  Shamrock's Asagi               Brianna Meyer                     Brown-Anderson Farms, LTD        Plainfield, IL

 2   140  Rosie O'Brien                  Rebecca Overbey                   Lisa Overbey                     Lake Worth, FL

 3   298  Mystic Affair                  Tess Sullivan                     Tess Sullivan                    Stokesdale, NC

 4   203  Sultan's Kingdom               Anna Rogers-Daub                  Robin Rogers                     Louisville, KY

 5   215  Albelarm Anchor Man            Bronwyn Frank                     Jody & William Frank             Raleigh, NC

 6   341  Ultimate Amazement             Jamison Baker                     Jamison Baker                    Birmingham, AL

 7    66  Walk This Way                  Hannah Swanson                    Daniel Swanson                   Canton, GA

 8   120  Playdate                       Taylor Price                      Taylor,NikiChuck Price           Duluth, GA

      30  Iva Secret                     McKenzie Bryant                   Anne & Tony Bryant               Winston Salem, NC

      54  Glider Supreme                 Megan Bailey                      Emma Elizabeth Grubb             Sea Island, GA

     218  Callaway's North Wind          Melanie Bennett                   Melanie Bennett                  Apex, NC


************  11 ENTRIES IN CLASS 147    ************

CLASS 148    ASB Three Gaited Park - Adult Amateur CHAMPIONSHIP

 1    92  CH His Supreme Reflection      Jacqueline Monzo                  Kimberly Jones                   Newport Beach, CA

 2   376  Meadowlark Jubilee             Morgan King                       Morgan King                      Bradenton, FL

 3   354  Illicit                        Barbara Thureson                  Barbara Thureson                 Richmond Hill, GA

 4   139  Classy                         Lisa Overbey                      Lisa Overbey                     Lake Worth, FL

 5   147  Ranten N' Raven                Cindy Demarco                     Cindy Demarco                    Moneta, VA

 6   280  Macy Gray                      Kelley Hollowell                  Kelley Hollowell                 Calhoun, GA


************   6 ENTRIES IN CLASS 148    ************

CLASS 149    ASB Three Gaited Adult Amateur CHAMPIONSHIP

 1   137  Cabernet's Will Command        Kristen Thomas                    Sailwind Stables, Inc.           Odessa, FL

 2    69  CH Bernie's Spirit             Kim Williams                      Carolyn Williams                 Aikens, SC


************   2 ENTRIES IN CLASS 149    ************

CLASS 150                      Morgan Pleasure Driving Open CHAMPIONSHIP

1   461  On Target                      Sarah Gallant                     Prescott D. May                  Roswell, GA

 2   205  Graywood's Lennox              Harry Daughtry                    Mary Daughtry                    Goldsboro, NC


************   2 ENTRIES IN CLASS 150    ************

CLASS 151                   ASB Five Gaited - Junior Exhibitor CHAMPIONSHIP

 1   365  My Teddy Bheir                 Caroline Burglass                 C & E Saddlebreds LLC            Metairie, LA

 2    71  CH What's The Whoopla          Caitlin Leith                     Caitlin Leith                    Wake Forest, NC

 3   244  The Apprentice                 Bree Zandy                         Zandyland Farm                  Naples, FL

 4   138  Travel In Style                Hope Long                          Hope Long LLC                   Odessa, FL

 5    25  She's Fancy Free               Cory Vetter                       Rachel Vetter                    Simpsonville, KY

 6   383  LA Boca Raton                  Kelsey Olson                      Kelsey Olson                     Louisville, KY

 7   271  Caramac's Big Ticket           Mia Wilson                        Huffman Horses, LLC              Louisville, KY

 8   442  Callaway's Front Man           Carissa Marshall                  Tannehill Farms LLC              Barboursville, WV

 N   180  Charmed By Chance              Kasey Trent                       Kasey Trent                      Princeton, WV


************   8 ENTRIES IN CLASS 151    ************

CLASS 152    Friesian Saddle Seat Pleasure - Open CHAMPIONSHIP


 1   149  Gregor Vom Eichenhof Oldenburg Tiara Terra                       Pam Jackson                      York, SC

 2   425  Marwyn Of Shady Nook Farm      Meredith Dancer                    Rein Dancer Farm                Belmont, NC

 3   190  Hoera Boszorg II               Kelsey Baird                      Cheryl Baird                     Simpsonville, SC

 4   391  Inne                           Kim Davidson                      Kim Davidson                     Simpsonville, SC

 5    21  Arend T                        Lynn Wangerin                     Marilyn Macfarlane               Simpsonville, KY

 6   187  Syste Stonecreek               Hannah Hirschhorn                 Karl Hirschhorn                  Aiken, SC

 7   193  Jasper fan Marksate            Diane Goforth Ohning              Diane Goforth Ohning             Greenville, SC

 8   189  Axcel                          Haley Hirschhorn                  Karl Hirschhorn                  Aiken, SC


************   8 ENTRIES IN CLASS 152    ************

CLASS 153    Road Horse Under Saddle CHAMPIONSHIP

 1   516  Wildwood Flower                Lauren Riggins                    Steve Crabtree                   Elizabethtown, KY


************   1 ENTRIES IN CLASS 153    ************

CLASS 154    UPHA Pink Ribbon Class-ASB Five Gaited - Ladies CHAMPIONSHIP


 1   264  First Chapter                  Tracy James                       Silverbrook Stables, Inc         Lousiville, KY

 2   299  Ima Star-Buck                  Julie Burmeister                  Jerry Horoschuck                 Mooresville, NC

 3   348  Simeon                         Jackie Hale                       James & Jackie Hale              Columbiana, AL

 4   276  Coastal Caper                  Kay Harrell                       Jim & Kay Harrell                St Simons Island, GA

 5    68  The Magic Hour                 Ashley Zimmerman                  Ashley Zimmerman                 Woodstock, GA

 6    82  Merchant Commander             Tina Smith                        Tina Smith                       Baldwin, GA

 N   117  Carolina Cat                   Amanda Dellinger                  James R. Dellinger, Jr           Cartersville, GA


************   6 ENTRIES IN CLASS 154    ************

CLASS 155     Leadline - 8 & Under - Western, Saddle Seat or Hunt Seat


     480  Clover Hill's Dream Command    Griffin Day                       Julie Kaufman Blue Willow Farm   Versailles, KY

     551  Lady Blue Bell                 Evan Saunders                     Tina Smith                       Baldwin, GA


************   2 ENTRIES IN CLASS 155    ************

CLASS 156    Academy Showmanship Driving

 1   481  Sarah Cornett                  Sarah Cornett                     Joe Elam                         Versailles, KY

 2   204  Robin Rogers                   Robin Rogers                      Chad Cole                        Louisville, KY

 3   545  Clark Blankenbecklor           Clark Blankenbecklor              Raquel Hamilton                  Eastover, SC


************   3 ENTRIES IN CLASS 156    ************

CLASS 157        Show Rider Equitation WTC

 1   556  Natalie Swimmer                Natalie Swimmer                   John Whalen                      Monroe, NC

 2   510  Kelly Whitehead                Kelly Whitehead                   John Whalen                      Monroe, NC

 3   534  Kaitlin Whatley                Kaitlin Whatley                   Donna Whatley                    Taylors, SC

 4   554  Burdett Stillwell              Burdett Stillwell                 Tina Smith                       Baldwin, GA

 5   548  Meghan Toms                    Meghan Toms                       Hollie Davidson                  Indian Trail, NC


************   5 ENTRIES IN CLASS 157    ************

CLASS 158    Academy Equitation Adult WTC


 1   488  Suzanne Smiley                 Suzanne Smiley                    Courtney Huguley                 Chelsea, AL


************   1 ENTRIES IN CLASS 158    ************

CLASS 159        Academy Equitation 14 - 17 WTC


 1   481  Sarah Cornett                  Sarah Cornett                     Joe Elam                         Versailles, KY

 2    35  Arcanna Torres                 Arcanna Torres                    Hollie Davidson                  Indian Trail, NC

 3   555  Brittney Varney                Brittney Varney                   Heather Boodey                   Franklinton, NC

 4   360  Catherine Helm                 Catherine Helm                    Marjorie Judd                    Baton Rouge, LA


************   4 ENTRIES IN CLASS 159    ************

CLASS 160        Academy Equitation 11 - 13 WTC

 1   151  Shannon McNulty                Shannon McNulty                   John Whalen                      Monroe, NC

 2   313  Summer Blackwelder             Summer Blackwelder                Betsy Boone                      Concord, NC

 3   453  Alexandria Eagle               Alexandria Eagle                  Lark Henry                       Naples, FL

 4   482  Christina Prows-Lepera         Christina Prows-Lepera            Joe Elam                         Versailles, KY


************   4 ENTRIES IN CLASS 160    ************

CLASS 161    Academy Equitation 10 & Under WTC

 1    34  Abby Traywick                  Abby Traywick                     Hollie Davidson                  Indian Trail, NC

 2   150  Donna Wesslen                  Donna Wesslen                     John Whalen                      Monroe, NC

 3   152  Melissa Tuttle                 Melissa Tuttle                    John Whalen                      Monroe, NC

 4    85  Savanna Taylor                 Savanna Taylor                    Tina Smith                       Baldwin, GA


************   4 ENTRIES IN CLASS 161    ************

CLASS 162    Show Rider Showmanship WTC

 1   511  Denese Patch                   Denese Patch                      John Whalen                      Monroe, NC

 2   548  Meghan Toms                    Meghan Toms                       Hollie Davidson                  Indian Trail, NC

 3   510  Kelly Whitehead                Kelly Whitehead                   John Whalen                      Monroe, NC

 4   534  Kaitlin Whatley                Kaitlin Whatley                   Donna Whatley                    Taylors, SC

 5   554  Burdett Stillwell              Burdett Stillwell                 Tina Smith                       Baldwin, GA


************   5 ENTRIES IN CLASS 162    ************

CLASS 163    Academy Showmanship Adult WTC

 1   488  Suzanne Smiley                 Suzanne Smiley                    Courtney Huguley                 Chelsea, AL


************   1 ENTRIES IN CLASS 163    ************

CLASS 164    Academy Showmanship 11 - 17 WTC

 1   313  Summer Blackwelder             Summer Blackwelder                Betsy Boone                      Concord, NC

 2   360  Catherine Helm                 Catherine Helm                    Marjorie Judd                    Baton Rouge, LA

 3   151  Shannon McNulty                Shannon McNulty                   John Whalen                      Monroe, NC

 4   482  Christina Prows-Lepera         Christina Prows-Lepera            Joe Elam                         Versailles, KY

 5    35  Arcanna Torres                 Arcanna Torres                    Hollie Davidson                  Indian Trail, NC

 6   555  Brittney Varney                Brittney Varney                   Heather Boodey                   Franklinton, NC

 7   453  Alexandria Eagle               Alexandria Eagle                  Lark Henry                       Naples, FL


************   7 ENTRIES IN CLASS 164    ************

CLASS 165    Academy Showmanship 10 & Under WTC

1    34  Abby Traywick                  Abby Traywick                     Hollie Davidson                  Indian Trail, NC

 2   150  Donna Wesslen                  Donna Wesslen                     John Whalen                      Monroe, NC

 3   152  Melissa Tuttle                 Melissa Tuttle                    John Whalen                      Monroe, NC

 4    85  Savanna Taylor                 Savanna Taylor                    Tina Smith                       Baldwin, GA


************   4 ENTRIES IN CLASS 165    ************

CLASS 166    Academy Equitation Adult WT


 1   539  Tarah Bagarrd                  Tarah Bagarrd                     Raquel Hamilton                  Eastover, SC

 2   545  Carol Beard                    Carol Beard                       Raquel Hamilton                  Eastover, SC

 N   542  Kathy Blankenbecklor           Kathy Blankenbecklor              Raquel Hamilton                  Eastover, SC


************   2 ENTRIES IN CLASS 166    ************

CLASS 167    Academy Equitation 14 - 17 WT

 1   531  Jaime Curry                    Jaime Curry                       Marilyn Macfarlane               Simpsonville, KY

 2   489  Blair Alexander                Blair Alexander                   Courtney Huguley                 Chelsea, AL


************   2 ENTRIES IN CLASS 167    ************

CLASS 168    Academy Equitation 11 - 13 WT

 1   490  Hannah Abrams                  Hannah Grace Abrams               Courtney Huguley                 Chelsea, AL

 2   452  Katherine Vitiello             Katherine Vitiello                Lark Henry                       Naples, FL

 3    26  Haley Tolliver                 Haley Tolliver                    Marilyn Macfarlane               Simpsonville, KY

 4   314  Olivia Knox                    Olivia Knox                       Betsy Boone                      Concord, NC

 5   316  Alexandria Cedrone             Alexandria Cedrone                Betsy Boone                      Concord, NC

 6   532  Courtney Edens                 Courtney Edens                    Marilyn Macfarlane               Simpsonville, KY

 7    58  Olivia Dixon                   Olivia Dixon                      Christy Parker                   Hortense, GA

 8   315  Emilea Stinnett                Emilea Stinnett                   Betsy Boone                      Concord, NC


************   8 ENTRIES IN CLASS 168    ************

CLASS 169             Academy Showmanship Adult WT

 1   545  Carol Beard                    Carol Beard                       Raquel Hamilton                  Eastover, SC

 2   539  Tarah Bagarrd                  Tarah Bagarrd                     Raquel Hamilton                  Eastover, SC

 N   542  Kathy Blankenbecklor           Kathy Blankenbecklor              Raquel Hamilton                  Eastover, SC


************   2 ENTRIES IN CLASS 169    ************

CLASS 170        Academy Showmanship 14 - 17 WT

1   489  Blair Alexander                Blair Alexander                   Courtney Huguley                 Chelsea, AL

 2   531  Jaime Curry                    Jaime Curry                       Marilyn Macfarlane               Simpsonville, KY


************   2 ENTRIES IN CLASS 170    ************

CLASS 171    Academy Showmanship 11 - 13 WT

 1   314  Olivia Knox                    Olivia Knox                       Betsy Boone                      Concord, NC

 2    26  Haley Tolliver                 Haley Tolliver                    Marilyn Macfarlane               Simpsonville, KY

 3   490  Hannah Abrams                  Hannah Grace Abrams               Courtney Huguley                 Chelsea, AL

 4   316  Alexandria Cedrone             Alexandria Cedrone                Betsy Boone                      Concord, NC

 5   452  Katherine Vitiello             Katherine Vitiello                Lark Henry                       Naples, FL

 6    58  Olivia Dixon                   Olivia Dixon                      Christy Parker                   Hortense, GA

 7   532  Courtney Edens                 Courtney Edens                    Marilyn Macfarlane               Simpsonville, KY

 8   315  Emilea Stinnett                Emilea Stinnett                   Betsy Boone                      Concord, NC


************   8 ENTRIES IN CLASS 171    ************

CLASS 172         Academy Equitation 9 & 10 WT

 1   318  Tiffany Knox                   Tiffany Knox                      Betsy Boone                      Concord, NC

 2   317  Amy Cedrone                    Amy Cedrone                       Betsy Boone                      Concord, NC

 3   509  Kate Redding                   Kate Redding                      John Whalen                      Monroe, NC

 N    42  Aleah Davis                    Aleah Davis                       Wayne Hackney                    Midway, GA


************   3 ENTRIES IN CLASS 172    ************

CLASS 173    Academy Equitation 7 & 8 WT

 1   553  Jamie Bo Lucas                 Jamie Bo Lucas                    Johnny Lucas                     Gibsonville, NC

 2   392  Morgan Rogers-Daub             Morgan Rogers-Daub                Chad Cole                        Louisville, KY

 3   191  Kellett Hughes                 Kellett Hughes                    Cheryl Baird                     Simpsonville, SC

 4   540  Isabelle Reidman               Isabelle Reidman                  Raquel Hamilton                  Eastover, SC

 5   319  Mackenzie Todd                 Mackenzie Todd                    Betsy Boone                      Concord, NC

 6   552  Meredith Pittman               Meredith Pittman                  Hollie Davidson                  Indian Trail, NC

 7   359  Alissa McDaniel                Alissa McDaniel                   Granville Chrisman               Englewood, TN

 8   557  Harley Lambert                 Dr. Wendy Troyer                  Harley Lambert                   ,  


************   8 ENTRIES IN CLASS 173    ************

CLASS 174    Academy Equitation 6 & Under WT

 1   475  Ashley Creekmore               Ashley Creekmore                  Lynda Freseth                    Oconomowoc, WI

 2   491  Whitney Vandiver               Whitney Vandiver                  Courtney Huguley                 Chelsea, AL

 3    36  Destiny West                   Destiny West                      Hollie Davidson                  Indian Trail, NC

 4   479  Alex Elam                      Alex Elam                         Joe Elam                         Versailles, KY

 5   320  Rhett Parham                   Rhett Parham                      Betsy Boone                      Concord, NC


************   5 ENTRIES IN CLASS 174    ************

CLASS 175    Academy Showmanship 9 & 10 WT

 1   317  Amy Cedrone                    Amy Cedrone                       Betsy Boone                      Concord, NC

 2   318  Tiffany Knox                   Tiffany Knox                      Betsy Boone                      Concord, NC

 3   509  Kate Redding                   Kate Redding                      John Whalen                      Monroe, NC

 N    42  Aleah Davis                    Aleah Davis                       Wayne Hackney                    Midway, GA


************   3 ENTRIES IN CLASS 175    ************

CLASS 176    Academy Showmanship 7 & 8 WT

 1   392  Morgan Rogers-Daub             Morgan Rogers-Daub                Chad Cole                        Louisville, KY

 2   359  Alissa McDaniel                Alissa McDaniel                   Granville Chrisman               Englewood, TN

 3   553  Jamie Bo Lucas                 Jamie Bo Lucas                    Johnny Lucas                     Gibsonville, NC

 4   191  Kellett Hughes                 Kellett Hughes                    Cheryl Baird                     Simpsonville, SC

 5   319  Mackenzie Todd                 Mackenzie Todd                    Betsy Boone                      Concord, NC

 6   557  Harley Lambert                 Dr. Wendy Troyer                  Harley Lambert                   ,  

 7   552  Meredith Pittman               Meredith Pittman                  Hollie Davidson                  Indian Trail, NC

 8   540  Isabelle Reidman               Isabelle Reidman                  Raquel Hamilton                  Eastover, SC


************   8 ENTRIES IN CLASS 176    ************

CLASS 177    Academy Showmanship 6 & Under WT

 1   479  Alex Elam                      Alex Elam                         Joe Elam                         Versailles, KY

 2   475  Ashley Creekmore               Ashley Creekmore                  Lynda Freseth                    Oconomowoc, WI

 3   491  Whitney Vandiver               Whitney Vandiver                  Courtney Huguley                 Chelsea, AL

 4    36  Destiny West                   Destiny West                      Hollie Davidson                  Indian Trail, NC

 5   320  Rhett Parham                   Rhett Parham                      Betsy Boone                      Concord, NC


************   5 ENTRIES IN CLASS 177    ************

CLASS 178     Academy Equitation 8 & Under WT on Lead

 1    42  Aleah Davis                    Aleah Davis                       Wayne Hackney                    Midway, GA

 2   541  Julia Chase Burden             Julia Chase Burden                Raquel Hamilton                  Eastover, SC


************   2 ENTRIES IN CLASS 178    ************

CLASS 179    Saddle Seat Equitation CHAMPIONSHIP - 14 - 17

 1    97  All About Charm                Rachel Machamer                   Rachel Machamer                  Acworth, GA

 2   233  Kiss Of The Zodiac             Jacqueline Beck                   Jacqueline Beck                  Aliso Viejo, CA


************   2 ENTRIES IN CLASS 179    ************

CLASS 180    Morgan Park Harness Open CHAMPIONSHIP

 1   459  Gillfree Power Play            Sarah Gallant                     Barbara & John Goda              Alpharetta, GA


************   1 ENTRIES IN CLASS 180    ************

CLASS 181    Road Pony Under Saddle CHAMPIONSHIP

 1   144  Star Sweetheart                Madison Cheatham                  Debra Clark                      Leeds, AL

 2   427  Seamair's Nobility             Tanner Parham                      Double M Farm                   Belews Creek, NC

 3   538  Poinsettia's Seat Dragon       Kaleb Kaiser                      Sandra "Sug" Kaiser              Blythewood, SC


************   3 ENTRIES IN CLASS 181    ************

CLASS 182    Morgan Classic Pleasure Saddle CHAMPIONSHIP

1   463  Whitemud Forever Sunbeam       Jill Bertolani                    Mike & Jill Bertolani            Alpharetta, GA

 2   550  Bud The Wiser                  Sue Stroud                        Sue Stroud                       Raleigh, NC


************   2 ENTRIES IN CLASS 182    ************

CLASS 183    ASB Five Gaited Show Pleasure Adult CHAMPIONSHP

 1   438  Out Of Reach                   KarenBlankenship Shumate          KarenBlankenship Shumate         Princeton, WV

 2   470  CH Hero's Jumpin Jack Flash    Travis Van Zetten                 Travis Van Zetten                Pewaukee, WI

 3   260  Gotta Be Gold                  Jo Ann Griffin                    Jo Ann Griffin                   Crestwood, KY

 4   199  Oom Pah Pah                    Kelly Mount                       Mount Saddlebreds                Louisville, KY

 5   414  Hoochie Coochie Blues          Lisa Dabareiner                   Lisa Dabareiner                  Hardy, VA

 6    79  Ventura's Gold Card            Erin Breslin                      Judy Megelich                    Charlotte, NC

 7   201  Robert Lindsay                 Cheryl Weaver                     Cheryl Weaver                    Shelbyville, KY

 8    53  High In The Sky                Emma Elizabeth Grubb              Emma Elizabeth Grubb             Sea Island, GA

     306  Gotita                         Denise Stephens                   Denise Stephens                  Aiken, SC

     417  Hurricane Express              Morgan Powell                     Hurricane Partnership            Hopkins, SC

     505  CH Admiral's Gifted Miss       Carolyn Teal                      Carolyn Teal                     Williamston, SC


************  11 ENTRIES IN CLASS 183    ************

CLASS 184    ASB Three Gaited Country Pleasure 13 & Under CHAMPIONSHIP

 1    31  Phantom Eyes                   Natalie Penegar                   Mike & Kenia Penegar             Monroe, NC

 2    80  Man Of Hour Dreams             Alexandra Ennis                   Alexandra Ennis                  Youngsville, NC

 3   403  Leatherwood's Fanfare          Abby Bailey                       Abby & Kristi Bailey             Burnsville, NC

 4    57  College Town                   Harley Campbell                   Christy Parker                   Hortense, GA


************   4 ENTRIES IN CLASS 184    ************

CLASS 185    ASB Fine Harness - $500 Added Open Jackpot STAKE

 1   472  Open Arms                      Bret Day                          Janet & Jeff Sterba              Keswick, VA

 2   398  The Rein Dancer                Harrison Shiflet                  Joan Sonnabend                   Mooresboro, NC

 3   223  In Bold Print                  Paul Richardson                   Paul Richardson                  Ontario, Canada,  

 4   504  CH Katie's Dream               Robert Lucas                      Britt & Betty Mitchell           Wake Forest, NC

 5   286  VHF Midnight Empress           Tom Lee                           Marie Gwinn                      Hopkins, SC

 6   321  Callaway's Carnegie Hall       John Wrather                      Charlotte Wrather                Longview, TX

 7   530  Periaptus Victorius            Bobby Burgess                     Ben McDaniel                     Greenville, SC


************   7 ENTRIES IN CLASS 185    ************

CLASS 186    ASB Three Gaited Country Pleasure - 14-17 CHAMPIONSHIP

 1   364  Callaway's Blue Agate          Emily Burglass                    C & E Saddlebreds LLC            Metairie, LA

 2   239  Strike Up The Lights           Caitlin Hucker                    Lesley Orr                       Buford, GA

 3   477  Bibbidi Blackidi Boo           Katie Prows-Lepera                Janalyn Prows                    Versailles, KY

 4   519  Chilaquiles                    RaeAnn Stengel                    Irene & Darrell Crosswhite       La Grange, IL

 5   358  Twist Again                    Amber Ann Ditmore                 Amber Ann & Tim Ditmore          Madisonville, TN

 6   119  Aidan Hobbs                    Rosalie Brown                     Cheryle &Rosalie Brown           Atlanta, GA

 7   124  Reedann's Phandango            Heather Colley                    Heather ColleyOr Dvid/ShrlySauce Duluth, GA


************   7 ENTRIES IN CLASS 186    ************

CLASS 187    Morgan Pleasure Driving Amateur CHAMPIONSHIP

 1   455  HVK Standing Ovation           Katie Paige Richards              Lark Henry                       Naples, FL

 2   454  Mis Isabelle                   Isabelle Shepard                  Marsha& Isabelle Shepard         Shelbyville, TN

************   2 ENTRIES IN CLASS 187    ************

CLASS 188    ASB Three Gaited - $500 Added Open Jackpot STAKE

1   308  CH Yes It's True               Paul Boone                        Alice Lyda & Kathy LydaBerger    Monroe, NC

 2    91  Hallelujah Chorus              Tom Sworm                         Kimberly Jones                   Newport Beach, CA

 3   132  Ah! What A Night               Tracy Garcia                      Shirley Giraudo                  South Pasadena, FL

 4   285  VHF The Red Hammer             Tom Lee                           Tom Lee                          Keysville, GA


************   4 ENTRIES IN CLASS 188    ************

CLASS 189    Road Horse To Bike - $500 Added Open Jackpot STAKE

 1    20  Braveheart                     Marilyn Macfarlane                Marilyn Macfarlane               Simpsonville, KY

 2   222  Hemi                           Mike Barlow                       Anne Judd                        Dade City, FL

 3   410  Postmaster Mike                Greg O'Kelley                     Fish n Fun Farms, Inc.           Hardy, VA

 4   122  Martell                        Rick Adams                        Ann or Ed Moore                  Gainesville, GA

 N   241  Soulshine                      Larry Jenkins                     Larry Jenkins                    Suwanee, GA


************   4 ENTRIES IN CLASS 189    ************

CLASS 18A    $250 Added UPHA Roadster 4 Year Old Pony Classic

 1   106  Romeo's Kristy Lee LF          Andy Freseth                      Priscilla Gise Revocable Trust   Tonka Bay, MN

 2   293  Heartland Music Girl           Mike Barlow                       Suzanne Mayo                     Franklin, TN

 3     8  Sha-Boom                       Lewis Eckard                      Karl Bridgeman                   Taylorsville, NC

 4    73  Heartland Funny Girl           Heather Boodey                    Caitlin Leith                    Wake Forest, NC


************   4 ENTRIES IN CLASS 18A  07/22/08  ************

CLASS 190    ASB Three Gaited - Junior Exhibitor CHAMPIONSHIP -13 & Under

1    98  Tantalize Me LCC               McKenna Slater                    Pamela Slater                    Burr Ridge, IL


************   1 ENTRIES IN CLASS 190    ************

CLASS 191    Morgan Western Pleasure Open CHAMPIONSHIP

1   393  Arborwind Black Market         Kristen Cole                      Kristen Cole                     Myakka City, FL

 2   169  DRF Divine Design              Vicki Paar                        Vicki Paar                       Spring Hill, FL

 3   337  GFF Special Illusions          Renee Jones                       Renee Jones                      Macon, GA


************   3 ENTRIES IN CLASS 191    ************

CLASS 192    ASB Three Gaited - Junior Exhibitor CHAMPIONSHIP - 14 - 17

1   362  CH Mahvalous Asset             Paige Pennington                  Claude & Sharon Pennington       Baton Rouge, LA

 2   242  Sky High Money                 Natalie Sanchez                   Natalie Sanchez                  Duluth, GA

 3   372  Kalarama's Loose Lips          Rebecca Deutsch                   Rebecca Deutsch                  Scarsdale, NY

 4   335  Casey O'Grady                  Leslie Mechling                   Sherry Mechling                  Ooltewah, TN

 5   231  In A Minute                    Paige Klee                        Lisa & Michael Klee              Union, KY


************   5 ENTRIES IN CLASS 192    ************

CLASS 193    ASB Five Gaited - Adult Amateur CHAMPIONSHIP

 1   297  CH(SA)CarlswaldPrince'sDominoe Dr. Wendy Troyer                  Dr. Wendy Troyer                 Dunwoody, GA

 2    87  All Stirred Up                 Mindy VanHellemont                Mindy VanHellemont               Birmingham, MI

 3    10  Dreamin' Blue                  Catherine LoughlinStevensn        Beverly Kaczwara                 Waynesville, NC

 4   229  Right Laine                    Ashley Dickinson                  Ashley Dickinson                 Louisville, KY

 5   277  CH Data Dot Com                Frank Jones                       Frank Jones                      Rome, GA


************   5 ENTRIES IN CLASS 193    ************

CLASS 194    Harness Pony CHAMPIONSHIP

 1   105  Art-O-Matic                    Mary Gise                         Priscilla Gise Revocable Trust   Tonka Bay, MN

 2    22  Wait & See's Whiz Bang         Robin Haynes                      Robin Haynes                     Alcoa, TN

 3   329  Seamair Sensation              John Wrather                      Charlotte Wrather                Longview, TX


************   3 ENTRIES IN CLASS 194    ************

CLASS 195    ASB Three Gaited English Show Pleasure Adult CHAMPIONSHIP

 1   102  Teuschers                      Travis Van Zetten                 Travis Van Zetten                Pewaukee, WI

 2   373  CH Sweet Virginia              Barbara Woods                     Barbara Woods                    Land O Lakes, FL

 3   309  CH A Chance To Dance           Marie Gwinn                       Marie Gwinn                      Hopkins, SC

 4   142  CH Five Minutes More           Barbara Matthews                  Barbara Matthews                 Aiken, SC

 5    40  Johnny Cash                    Evanne Floyd                      Evanne Floyd                     Hinesville, GA

 6   506  Bongo                          Ginger Reagan                     Amy H. Roberts                   Charlotte, NC

 7   278  CSF Supreme Memories           Judy Brown                        Judy Brown                       Catersville, GA

 8    49  In The House                   Deborah Black                     Deborah Black                    Knoxville, TN

 N   370  Beaujolais Nouveau             Jody Thomas                       Lizabeth Thomas                  Church Hill, TN

     418  I'm The Chief                  Morgan Powell                     Caughman Farms, Inc              East Over, SC


************   9 ENTRIES IN CLASS 195    ************

CLASS 196    ASB Three Gaited Park - $500 Added Open Jackpot STAKE

 1   374  Master And Commander           Maria Gilman                      Barbara Woods                    Land O Lakes, FL

 2   469  Day's Grecian Gray             Bret Day                          Mary & Michella Krentz           Hartford, WI

 3   352  Society Lane's Prince of Charm James Hale                        Liz Smith                        Coral Springs, FL

 4   280  Macy Gray                      Lisa Rosenberger                  Kelley Hollowell                 Calhoun, GA

 5   247  Sweet Southern Comfort         Brandy Johnson                    Donald Brockman                  Campbellsville, KY

 6   512  High View's Sharp Charm Girl   Jon Walker                        Tom Roncaglione                  Gretna, VA

 7   355  Lola FeLana                    Granville Chrisman                Sharon&Granville Chrisman        Englewood, TN

 8   528  I Saw You First                Bobby Burgess                     Ben McDaniel                     Greenville, SC

     171  The Chocolate Drop Kid         David Barger                      Brenda Brewer                    Hickory, NC


************   9 ENTRIES IN CLASS 196    ************

CLASS 197    Roadster Pony $500 Added Open Jackpot STAKE

 1   328  Lamborghini                    Ashley McKenzie                   Ashley McKenzie                  Georgetown, TN

 2    19  Rant N Rave K.V.               Karen Voerg                       Karen & Ricky Voerg              Cumming, GA

 3   206  Vivacious E.F.                 Harry Daughtry                    Mary Daughtry                    Goldsboro, NC


************   3 ENTRIES IN CLASS 197    ************

CLASS 198    Morgan English Pleasure Open CHAMPIONSHIP

 1    45  CN A Touch Better              Jason Harrell                     Jason Harrell                    Greenville, NC


************   1 ENTRIES IN CLASS 198    ************

CLASS 199    ASB Five Gaited - $500 Added Open Jackpot STAKE

 1   259  Callaway's Karla               Debbie Foley                      Jo Ann Griffin                   Crestwood, KY

 2   558  No Fear                        Johnny B. (Bo) Lucas              Doris Crumpler                   Walnut Cove, NC

 3   451  Callaway's Melosa              Todd Graham                       Royal Winds Farm, Inc            Ona, WV

 4    83  Red Hawk's War Dance           Tina Smith                        Tina Smith                       Baldwin, GA


************   4 ENTRIES IN CLASS 199    ************

CLASS 25A    Friesian Saddle Seat Pleasure - Walk/Trot

 1   186  Watse                          Hannah Hirschhorn                 Karl Hirschhorn                  Aiken, SC

 2   188  Floris Van Nienke              Haley Hirschhorn                  Karl Hirschhorn                  Aiken, SC

 3   493  Roan                           Victoria Gillenwater              Victoria Gillenwater             Knoxville, TN


************   3 ENTRIES IN CLASS 25A  07/22/08  ************

CLASS 29A    ASB Three Gaited Show Pleasure - Limit Horse

 1   471  My Stiletto                    Katy Sterba                       Kathryn Sterba                   Keswick, VA

 2   334  Tornaada's Storm Warning       Deborah Richardson                Deborah Richardson               Lenoir City, TN

 3   269  Callaway's Northern Fling      Melody Murphy                     Mrs. Sandra Murphy               Thomasville, NC

 4   195  Callaway's Letter ToThe Editor Erin Ohning                       Diane Goforth Ohning             Greenville, SC

 5   219  Buckwiser                      Shannon Parham                    Jordan Parham                    Raleigh, NC

 6   515  Hot New Release                Anna Stoddard                     Kay Williford                    Bethel, NC

 7    75  Aerial View                    Jeanne L. Fraser                  Martha Fraser                    Suffolk, VA

 8   303  Callaway's Cover Page          Emma Carol Lewis                  Teresa Lewis                     Zebulon, NC

     384  Cloverleaf Armagedon           Judy Kerr                         Judy Kerr                        Dunwoody, GA

     411  Transformer                    Marli Dabareiner                  Fish n Fun Farms, Inc.           Hardy, VA

     421  Thunder Over Manhattan         Wynn Smiley                       Geraldine Bielefeld              Waynesville, OH


************  11 ENTRIES IN CLASS 29A  07/22/08  ************

CLASS 29B    ASB Three Gaited Show Pleasure - Limit Horse

 1   324  Because I Said So              Janie Hamilton                    Wincrest Farm LLC                Pewaukee, WI

 2   301  Miraculous Odds                Lauren Camp De-Haan               Larry Camp                       Concord, NC

 3   496  CH Biras Creek                 Victoria Gillenwater               Scenic View Farm                Knoxville, TN

 4   210  Charismatic Ken                Brittany Keel                      Keel Farms, Inc                 Whitakers, NC

 5   420  It's Alabama                   Reagan Huguley                    Reagan Huguley                   Birmingham, AL

 6   156  Frasier Crane                  Ginger Reagan                     Dr. Ginger Reagan                Wilmington, NC

 7   370  Beaujolais Nouveau             Jody Thomas                       Lizabeth Thomas                  Church Hill, TN

 8   343  Jet Lee                        Alexis Braswell                   Little Cahaba Properties         Birmingham, AL

     240  A Splash Of Class              Callie Culbertson                 Callie Culbertson                Greenville, SC

     407  The Irish Tempest              Jessica Epley                     Jessica Epley                    Greenville, SC

     468  Making A Move                  Bredin Rush                       Bredin Rush                      Cary, NC


************  11 ENTRIES IN CLASS 29B  07/22/08  ************

CLASS 34A    Hackney Pleasure Driving Pony - AHHS Youth Medallion

 1    12  Hawkeye's Chatter Box          Alexandria Wellington             Alexandria Wellington            Winston Salem, NC


************   1 ENTRIES IN CLASS 34A  07/23/08  ************

CLASS 61A    ASB Five Gaited - Adult Amateur Ladies

 1   117  Carolina Cat                   Amanda Dellinger                  James R. Dellinger, Jr           Cartersville, GA

 2    14  And I'm Stickin To It          Susan Orton                       Susan Orton                      Alpharetta, GA

 3   261  Already Famous                 Luanne Kilday                     Luanne Kilday                    Greenville, TN

 4   380  Worthy's American Society      Cheryl Sotrop                     Cheryl Sotrop                    Lutz, FL

 5   229  Right Laine                    Ashley Dickinson                  Ashley Dickinson                 Louisville, KY

 6   300  Leatherwood's Hats Off         Ali Deutsch                        Davis Road Farms                Davidson, NC

 7   220  Bluebonnet's Wild Thing        Kerri Beth Fersch                  Wolf Farms LLC                  Chapel Hill, NC


************   7 ENTRIES IN CLASS 61A  07/23/08  ************

CLASS 71A    Friesian Saddle Seat Pleasure-Walk Trot CHAMPIONSHIP

 1   188  Floris Van Nienke              Haley Hirschhorn                  Karl Hirschhorn                  Aiken, SC

 2   186  Watse                          Hannah Hirschhorn                 Karl Hirschhorn                  Aiken, SC


************   2 ENTRIES IN CLASS 71A  07/24/08  ************

CLASS 79A    ASB Five Gaited Show Pleasure - Limit Horse

 1   497  We're Having Fun Now           Victoria Gillenwater               Scenic View Farm                Knoxville, TN

 2   414  Hoochie Coochie Blues          Lisa Dabareiner                   Lisa Dabareiner                  Hardy, VA

 3   199  Oom Pah Pah                    Kelly Mount                       Mount Saddlebreds                Louisville, KY

 4   331  Doubletree's Confererate Gray  Deborah Richardson                Deborah Richardson               Lenoir City, TN

 5    79  Ventura's Gold Card            Erin Breslin                      Judy Megelich                    Charlotte, NC

 E   281  Late Nite Fun                  Melissa Heres- Rosenberger        Frank Jones                      Rome, GA


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CLASS 109A    Hackney Pony Amateur CHAMPIONSHIP

 1   158  Heartland Twice As Nice        Lynn Hutchinson                    SwimmerInsurance                Weddington, NC

 2    74  Heartland Invincible           Paul Otto                         Paul Otto                        Raleigh, NC


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CLASS 131A    Morgan English Pleasure - Junior/Novice Horse CHAMPIONSHIP

 1    47  Claridge Solitary Rose         Krista Dent                       Beatrice & James Tomasello       Mechanicsburg, PA

 2   406  GDT Boucheron                  Grant Shiflet                     Debbie Mentler                   Campobello, SC


************   2 ENTRIES IN CLASS 131A    ************

CLASS 142A    ASB Five Gaited - Ladies Adult Amateur CHAMPIONSHIP

 1   117  Carolina Cat                   Amanda Dellinger                  James R. Dellinger, Jr           Cartersville, GA

 2    14  And I'm Stickin To It          Susan Orton                       Susan Orton                      Alpharetta, GA

 3   300  Leatherwood's Hats Off         Ali Deutsch                        Davis Road Farms                Davidson, NC

 4   380  Worthy's American Society      Cheryl Sotrop                     Cheryl Sotrop                    Lutz, FL

 5   261  Already Famous                 Luanne Kilday                     Luanne Kilday                    Greenville, TN

 6   220  Bluebonnet's Wild Thing        Kerri Beth Fersch                  Wolf Farms LLC                  Chapel Hill, NC


************   6 ENTRIES IN CLASS 142A  07/25/08  ************

CLASS 178A    Morgan Western Pleasure Junior/Novice Horse CHAMPIONSHIP

 1   501  Hylee Hill Street Blues        Kristen Cole                      Nancy & Paul Smith               Tierra Verde, FL

 2   430  UDM Twenty-Four Carats         Rick Gervasio                     Karen Burridge                   Gainesville, FL


************   2 ENTRIES IN CLASS 178A    ************